I suppose I should mention...

Jan 11, 2009 04:05

I got fired on Wednesday, so... Yeah. That sucks. Looking for a new job, but that's not exactly easy right now. My parents have offered to give me a -little- money in exchange for doing a shitload of housework, which I hate doing. And hell, with my back how it is these days, I worry about really being able to do it at all.

Oh yeah, I've never really mentioned my back problems, huh? Yeah, I'm not even 20 and have "back problems." *sigh* It just basically hurts almost constantly, especially when I move or use it at all. Isn't that awesome? Blah. At its worst, it basically gets so tense that I can barely move at all, and can't support my weight for more than like a minute -- have to be leaning on something. Things that really trigger it: stress, lack of sleep, most movement, lifting... I saw my mom's chiropractor for a free exam thingy, and she said that my scoliosis (I have it, but it's pretty slight so the doctor said that didn't have to do anything about it) was probably the cause, and wanted me to get x-rays to see if it was a birth defect or not... Unfortunately my medical insurance only covers certain chiropractors, and she's not one of them. So my parents really want me to call around first to the one's I AM covered for, 'cause I mean, it's a lot of money and obviously I couldn't afford it. I keep forgetting or putting it off though, so I still haven't gotten around to it. I guess I'll have to on Monday...

But anyway, yeah, my back's in pretty bad shape, and it sucks. And I'm totally broke now.

Oh man it's late, why aren't I in bed?
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