Dec 13, 2024 18:36
I said farewell to one of the maintenance team here today, as he's decided to retire. He's an older man who's worked here for over 25 years, and seen a lot of shifts in the community, but knows that this spot is a stable fixture to the region. They just had new roofing done, the brick is all sealed as are the concrete walkways and the drive was recently blacktopped, too. So he's leaving it all in good shape. It was a nice sendoff for him. People are sad to see him go, but they like his style, and he did say that when he's got extra game (being that he loves to do hunting of pheasant and other game birds) he'll bring some to share with those of us interested. He noted I was top of his list, considering the prairie hens I'd done for he and the others who were working, for a nice thanksgiving treat.
🎶So I'm gonna rise
Face the morning sun
Feel it calling me
Wanting me
Believes in me
Love labors on
Love labors on🎶
We've had some rough weather, and while I won't be getting out this weekend, I think that's alright. I didn't really enjoy my time at the former aunt's place this last weekend and being here, I'm only a few blocks walk if I do need to get over to help any of the girls. And while Namfi is packing to move, as is Joy, Rahni and Dami are now talking of sharing a place. Things are shifting, and I find myself watching, biding my time but being available as a stable support much like I was when we were young. I'm the utility player, the jack-of-all-trades, the one who fills the role needed because that's what I was always asked to do, and due to my upbringing, I never wanted to let anyone down, I didn't want to be abandoned again. I didn't realize that there will always be those who desert us whether they want to or not, it's either that they don't have the chance to say goodbye, or they don't care enough to do so. It has nothing to do with me, it's all on them; and once more, the words of my beloved Golden Angel ring true.
🎶Back through time, I know
I'm a wanted man
Oh mama, I know
Gave me grace, not to lose
So I'm gonna get up, cleansed
Face the morning rain🎶
As the weather continues to ice things up, and they're expecting it again tonight, Leenie brought me a big load of dishes that ended up cancelled that they didn't want to necessarily have to throw out at the restaurant. There are tamales for the bobblehead, barilla tacos with sauce and rice, chicken chimichangas in queso, a lovely skirt-steak fajita with beans and rice that I will have for dinner tonight, and also cinnamon flan and a wonderful box of strawberry churros too. With a wonderful kiss and a flourish of her skirts, she skipped down the stairs (in high heels) showing off that fabulous dancer's grace that I had only seen similar in classic films. I didn't even know it was possible to skip down a flight of stairs, let alone in heels! The woman continues to amaze me in myriad ways. And her cousin, Rosie, contacted me to let me know she had made it back to her home safely. I thanked her, and we talked for a few minutes.
🎶I feel it touching me
Healing me
Believes in me
Love labors on
Love labors on
Feel it wanting me
Knowing me
Believe, yeah
Love labors on
Love labors on🎶
I heard cards shuffling and asked if they were about to start an intense game of pinochle, but after a slight giggle, Roz - Rosie - admitted she was doing some readings. She asked me to throw my ogham for her once, and remembered how I could do that; so, she asked for it again. I threw them and described what they said as a reading for her. Then she asked me to throw again and gave me a reading she'd done with her cards for me. It was intriguing to hear what she was saying about what she saw and felt. I could tell her voice was quivering with a sense of awe, as she told me that I would be taking lead in a deep relationship with an old connection - at first, she said an old lover, then corrected and went to say soulmate, but then corrected once more with the sound of a flip of another card and said, "No, your Twin Flame!" She was surprised, "You know who your twin flame is!?! How? How do you know? You met her!?!" I affirmed that I did, that I've known her since shortly after Vighn was lost. She was quiet for a moment, and I could hear the sorrow in her tone, so close to breaking into a sob, "I'm so, SO sorry, B." That made me tear up, hearing her say it.
🎶Oh, oh
Are you wanting?
I know 'cause you're calling me
Yeah, are you needing?
Yeah, 'cause you need from me🎶
She completed her reading as professionally as she was able, though there was the rawness of emotion in her voice. "You've been through hell, on so many levels and in so many ways, but you have made it temper you, not allow it to destroy you. You're not the monster some try to say you are. You know love, and your Twin Flame brings you that, joy and hope. She's been struggling, trying to work through things she feels she needs to so she can be on equal footing with you. She treasures you, and wants to open up, but another has been drawing on her attention and trying to force her to be focused on them instead. She feels your words and lessons bringing her power and assuredness. You are a genuine soul, a leader of many as the two of you reconnect. Your own reading added to that shows that with the lessons you've been through and those she is going through, you don't have to answer to anyone else - but you already know that, and she is only now learning it - but as she shares with you together you'll grow even stronger and find the way to bring about health, well-being, prosperity and safety for yourselves and all others you share a blessed life with."
🎶Wanting me
Reaching me
Wanting me
Knowing me
Believes in me
Love labors on
Love labors on🎶
I was surprised and remained silent. With a slight sniff she could hear I was still on the line and there was another flip of a card on her end, "Wow!" she exclaimed, "Have faith, dear Sun, and be observant. Remain silent and true, and you'll see the beginning of these blessings before the year's end." That made me smile. It was almost the same verbiage used by my dear Angel in my waking dream state just at the start of the Celtic New Year. I thanked Rosie and she whispered, "You really have changed, so much. Please forgive me for the way I have been before."
In my quiet, gentle way before hanging up, I replied, "Of course, fiery soul. You were speaking from a place of pain, and I have been there at times, too. I'm glad to feel your warmth again, even if it might mean being scorched a little bit now and then. Again, my thanks. May you and Leenie both feel the warming love and light of the heart in these cold days ahead."