🎶Just a world that we all must share; It's not enough just to stand and stare.🎶

Dec 01, 2024 17:05

One of the neighbors has a number of health concerns and issues, she's over 90 years old, and still lives in her own little apartment. A couple of weeks ago, her little companion animal - a dachshund - passed away. She also lost her license, and her car was taken away by her daughter because she's had several small fender benders because she isn't able to see over the dash properly any longer. But she's still got a big smile and warm greeting for literally everyone in the entire community. A few are nasty to her, but the rest of us love her cheerful disposition and kindness. Today was the first I was able to visit with her in the last few weeks, and as we caught up, I made her a nice pot of Korean hotpot for her lunch, leaving her a trio of bright, beautiful orchids to grace the center of her table. She was in tears as I left, thanking me for my kindness.

🎶On the turning away
From the pale and downtrodden
And the words they say
Which we won't understand🎶

The woman is a writer, herself, she did a series of books on the history of various communities from East Coast United States to West and many - MANY - in between. But the pride of her writings is a sweet little set of books for younger readers about Grotesques and Gargoyles as not only pieces of artist decoration but also how they aren't really meant to be frightening to people but to spirits. We've had some interesting discussions about the writing process, psychological processes in various cultures, and the way one people can cast distrust and ill will upon another through misunderstanding or for selfish reasons. It's an all-too-familiar story that we both have seen repeated throughout history even within our own lifetimes. We discussed that while I cooked for her, and she loved hearing my insights and wants me to write my own story, even giving me a format of how to work through the process.

🎶Don't accept that what's happening
Is just a case of others' suffering
Or you'll find that you're joining in
The turning away🎶

We've both seen so much suffering in the world, she far more than I, and want that to change. We watch the news, or hear people around us, and hang our heads as our spirits both have withered with the words and seen the deeds of others hell-bent on pushing their view or forcing their interests over others. As we discussed it, she wept, and I comforted her not only with wiping away her tears but noting the others who are rising up, speaking out, performing actions that strive to lift others and help them find easement. This is our task in the world, to show comfort, care, compassion and give hope to others and one another as well. That got her smiling so brightly, much like Aha Tae's eyes shining like coals that had caught an argent flame, this little lady's bright blue eyes held a similar light like a glacier pierced and refracting rays of sunlight on a clear Alaskan day.

🎶It's a sin that somehow
Light is changing to shadow
And casting its shroud
Over all we have known🎶

I hear the bobblehead yelling over her speaker phone with siblings that only call to argue and yell back at her. I hear the smarminess and intolerant biases and judgements that my brother, his father and the former aunt all want to spew forth about other ethnicities or LGBT, or different religious affiliations. I see the news articles and footage that has people slapping, hitting or even throwing rocks or burning bottles at one another. I look at the demographics, and see the regions it's happening, and what I understand is that I desperately need to be away from here, my friends need to get out of this region and find safe harbor. It's out there, some are already in such places. But then the question is how long will that be safe from these insane, intolerant fuckers that are crazed enough to burn a person's home - or flesh from their bones - just because of their religious affiliation or color of skin or sexual orientation?

🎶Unaware how the ranks have grown
Driven on by a heart of stone
We could find that we're all alone
In the dream of the proud🎶

No, we're not going to go down without a fight. I've been fighting my whole life already, as have most of my closest friends. We're here to stay, and we'll ensure that the meek who we affiliate with WILL have a place to call home, they WILL be safe in their own skin and belief and sexuality, and they WILL KNOW that they are safe because we who fight for them will always let them know that they will be protected with our dying breath. And those who claim to be Christian, or Muslim, or Jewish or whatever else, but still show such intolerance and violently manipulative behavior will be called out and have to answer to the Divine for their crimes against their own kind, and all the lifeforms of this shared planet. The fight is FAR from over, and while we warriors in the garden will not go out to purposefully start the fight, we will not tolerate those fuckers destroying the garden just because they don't like the potential of being stung or aren't happy with one color or another, nor will we allow those tending it to be harmed!

🎶On the wings of the night
As the daytime is stirring
Where the speechless unite in a silent accord🎶

The peaceful warrior, the Warrior of the Heart, has a sense of duty that is in the very fiber of their genetic makeup that strives for peaceful resolution, but when that isn't possible due to the aggressive nature of another, then they serve and protect knowing that it is an honor for what they are granted by the garden and its denizens, not merely an obligation to have to do so. That is the unspoken rule of harmony, and it is more sacred to the true warrior than any oath of fealty to a given principality or purpose.

🎶Using words, you will find, are strange
Mesmerized as they light the flame
Feel the new wind of change
On the wings of the night🎶

So, I comfort my neighbor who has been a teacher - a gardener - and I face off against those who speak ill of her and others like her, and those who actively work to destroy what they don't like or can't understand I fight actively and openly with all the experience, knowledge and skill I have available to me. And I ask the Divine that I do not become as hard-hearted and underhanded as those I must defend against. I don't act with malice or in spite, but with reverence and love for all life, only stopping the fight when they have come to their senses, relented and crawled away in defeat, or retreated. I will allow them to regroup, because I understand that while their ranks might grow, my own internal fires have grown and gained even more brilliance that summons forth other peaceful warriors to aid in the fight.

🎶No more turning away
From the weak and the weary
No more turning away
From the coldness inside🎶

I stand at the ready, my soul on fire, understanding that no weapon brought against me shall defeat me; not needing a weapon, because I know I am the weapon.

When I was young, I found myself lashing out in anger and pain, frustration, hatred and fear consumed me at times and made me bitter and destructive in my violent outbursts. And that made me careless, so much that I would hurt friends and loved ones, too. I'm not turning away from that I claim it and take responsibility for the hurt I also caused. I have learned, I know better now. I have learned to channel my feelings. I have come to understand when to be silent and when to let my voice be heard or that inner fire seen by others. I take my stance, practice my forms and maneuvers in rejuvenating waters, on stable ground and under the serene skies. This is my foundation, my sustenance, my fortress of solitude. I am not alone in where I stand, I am surrounded by nature and given the love of all of the lifeforms around me. No matter where I am, this is home! And just as any good warrior does, I protect my home from those that would attempt to destroy it or take it away.

🎶Just a world that we all must share
It's not enough just to stand and stare
Is it only a dream that there'll be
No more turning away?🎶
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