Nov 10, 2024 08:33
A friend of mine from high school complained about the "gloomy weather" this morning. He's been pretty down lately, from what I noticed, so I noted something for him. I love this weather, autumn leaves of varied hues show even more vibrancy to their colors when damp. The rain on evergreen needles and edges of buildings magnifying the prismatic effect of light captured by each drop. The scent of fresh crispness to the air as the shushed sound from tires on pavement or deadfall stirred by the breeze. These are the blessed little wonders to behold in the everyday miracle we call the quiet times of life. As much as I love the sun, and need it so much more now than ever, I still feel most relaxed but alive by the falling rain and stirring breezes on a cloudy day.
This morning, I see subtle beautiful changes in those who I have contact with, little moments where there's a flicker of inspiration or a restorative sense of peace to their soul that is visibly present. I have noticed it within the last couple of days now, actually.
Friday morning it was much more obvious, though. As Rahni and I were out with a few others for a short hike. But she and I had to leave them a little earlier than expected as Joy Sighn had sent a 😨😱😵 series of emojis in text to both of us at the same time. It was serious!
Rahni was almost a mess as we got to the car, but I managed to get her calm enough to drive us to their house. Once there, assessing the situation of an unconscious Joy on the floor had me checking vitals while Rahni called in the emergency. An ambulance on the way, I managed to get Joy breathing again quickly enough and her pulse was thin and thready when the paramedics got there. We followed them to the hospital, took the time in the car to notify other family and friends, and kept them appraised.
When Lihn and Josh got to the hospital, Rahni brought me back to the apartment; luckily, I didn't have to deal with the BH gestapo, again. Rahni and Lihn kept me appraised of Joy's condition via texts and short calls, the others kept their private group messages bouncing back and forth. My time in Seattle doing in-home care saved my little Sunflower sister, and (I have been told by the doctor) is allowing her a quicker recovery time than many others who aren't able to give medical information or offer aid in a way that helps the dispatch teams.
While others praise me for my calmness, and my knowledge and experience, I feel even more humbled, out of sorts. There were those in my life, during my time in the job and outside of it that I wasn't able to help or wasn't there in time. It's the Grace of the Divine that is the reason Joy is alive today, that I am, or any of us really. There's no sense to act irrationally when a crisis is upon us, but it is natural, I get that. I had to train myself as a child to dampen it down, all of the Suns and Sunflowers did. But most have neglected that response long enough that they have reverted to the panicked wild-brained creature stage of human evolution. It is odd to witness that firsthand.
So, when meditating last night and doing my morning routine, I considered how each of them did act, and react, and see where the rain falls in their lives, where they feel things are controlled or not, and see that I have genuinely given up control for anything outside my own personal being, I act, not react, because I know that whatever occurs, it really is me doing all I can to make the very best of each situation, and with love, trust/belief I leave it in Divine Hands to what happens. Stress might touch the edge of my mind and heart, but Sun shines on my shoulders, and with that I find my restorative peace and calm to be able to offer aid, defense and comfort to others. And I see where that helps them, too. The leaves continue to change color and drop each season, the wind blows, the rain falls, the sun shines, we can complain or worry, or we can shift our perspective to find the blessings hidden in the moment. That is how we create our heaven or hell in our lives.
conscious life-changes,
sense of power,
human nature,
thoughts and introspection,
weather and emotional states,
a day in the life,
and everything,
keen suns,
deep thoughts and ponderings,
reborn repurpose renewal,
coping with the past and present,
life lessons,