Jun 21, 2008 07:33
Yesterday, Aaron and I went to see Get Smart... his idea, don't blame me... and while there was some fun moments to it, and it had a genuinely good over-all plot, I wasn't impressed with the acting for the most part. I liked Alan Arken heading up Control, but the rest of the cast just didn't have what it took to get all the way there to being a really good movie. And they did a good job of keeping the slapstick down to a minimum, particularly the embarrassing scenes that just never worked well.
There were also a couple of doofuses in the movie that I couldn't stand, which seems a bit over-the-top and cliche for Hollywood to add to movies these days. The bully and his crony. While I found the scene of the bully getting a memo stapled to his forehead (by Max Smart, for interrupting a meeting, no less) just desserts, I wasn't impressed with the writers, director, or who ever made the decision, of these two being made so prolific; let alone being placed in the movie at all. They were as unnecessary as a fox-tail (fake or not) attached to the antenna of your hot rod.
But, afterward, the rest of the day went pretty well. We came back here, took one of the SFI tests together, and then spent time chatting about the ideas of rank, and handling promotions, trying to define a point/reward system, as well as discussing honors and distinctions. There was a little talk about uniforms, and the look of the shirts we'll be trying to get. We were in agreement, there, so things are moving forward well... and at a reasonable pace, I think... and it was nice to actually feel like we were in agreement, rather than one or the other seeming more to give in with a "Yeah, well... okay" type of end comment.
When Purr got home, we sat in on a meeting of another chapter of SFI that holds their ship meetings on IMVU. That was nice, and allowed us to talk about things with them a bit, clarifying things for us, and showing them respect they've come to earn in such a short amount of time. Once that was done, Purr and I had dinner while watching a couple more episodes of Enterprise. We're now half done with the third season, and will soon start into the fourth and last season of the show.
Today, we do a little shopping around to see how much our uniforms and ship-shirts would cost, locally compared to online. And Purr and I will take our OCC (Officer's Candidate Course) tests, for SFI. You need those to be a Captain, XO or SO, so we'll see how that goes. To me, it doesn't seem that tough. Maybe I'm just more relaxed with tests than others, though, having never had a real problem with them in school and having taught others how to prepare for them as an educator. The best part is, this is an "open book" test, of course... so that makes it seem even more of a breeze to me, though Purr's been nervous about it. I'll do my best to help her out, without giving her the answers, though.