o/~ You calm the storms, and give me rest...you hold me in your arms, you won't let me fall. o/~

May 04, 2007 05:28

Yesterday was another rough day at work. I found myself doing well... just running along nicely as the workload continued to stream in. We had a lot of stuff suddenly pop in near the end of the day that "has to be done NOW!" though, and that bothered me a lot. I pointed out that no matter how much they compared me to Mr. Scott, I really was not a miracle worker, and they had to be reasonable about getting their projects done.

Most were understanding. Most were even accomidating. A couple made excuses and tossed the blame for their disorganization onto me and my shoulders. Yeah, right! It's my fault that they can't get their act together and plan ahead even by a day!?! Sorry, wrong answer... you lose, we won't even bother letting you have a copy of the home game! So I was very stressed by the time I got to leave work, not to mention I'd had to stay an hour late to train a couple of people on how to use the machines. Then, when I was finished with that, it turns out they decided they weren't in such a huge rush to get the booklets done that they needed, and it could wait for me to do the next morning (today). Gee, thanks for wasting my time and yours, gang.

After I was home, I lost myself in a bit of chat with friends until Purrzah was home. She watched a movie with me, and then we curled up in bed just sharing things that would bring a smile to both our faces. So the evening turned out to be really nice, even if the day sucked eggs until they were hard-boiled.

And now this morning, I drop my toast... butter side down... and her reply was "At least we don't have cats, and it didn't land on the carpet." Sometimes, it's her outlook that helps me able to continue on through the day instead of burying my head under the covers and saying forget it. And for that, I'm eternally grateful to have her as my wife.

thankful for...

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