Jul 28, 2004 14:08
New Jersey weather deserves to be kicked in the face. Uck. It's so gross here. I feel like running or something, but I'm pretty sure that the minute I go outside it's going to start raining. Plus, the ground is all wet and there are, undoubtably, puddles everywhere.
This whole election thing, while I am horribly impartial, is pissing me off. It's an oxymoron. I swear, if I have to hear one more time about Kerry serving I'm going to cut my ears off. I get it. I understand. He fought for his country. That's a good thing, not saying that, but I am a casual observer of politics, one of the undecided people they keep saying they need to sway, and quite frankly, whenever I turn on any interview about him that's all I hear. And there's that commercial with Edwards saying to talk to the people who served with him. How am I supposed to do that? I have no phone numbers or anything.
I should study french so that I can get out of my requirement at Tulane. I should also finish The Color of Water. I should do both these things, but I doubt that I'll do either. Maybe I'll read some. Maybe.