Woke up at 1:30 today, having gone to bed at 6 in the morning. This used to be pretty common for me, but I've been doing really well so far this semester with not falling into that trap. However, if there is one thing are two things that I am powerless to resist, then the second of them is a coding idea.
I've had a vague idea of something in my head for months that I've kept batting about and just would not take shape properly, until about 11 o'clock last night, and thus I was forced to spend the next 7 hours coding.
So, here's my idea:
It's a sort of community game, where you work semi-indirectly with everyone else in order to solve the problem. Basically, there's an image, which is blacked out and you have to guess what it is. In order do to this, you can click to reveal a small square of the image, from which to make your guess. Obviously, with just a small square you're not likely to guess correctly, however you can also see everyone else's guesses and where it was that they clicked* (just not what they saw).
Obviously, its important that you have a guess at what it is, even if you have no idea, because otherwise everyone else will be just as clueless as to what it is as you and the game won't work.
Also, as a final little help, after you make your guess, if it's wrong, you can add a comment to your guess - something to help everyone else. Maybe a description of your square, maybe an idea of roughly what you think it is ("seems like an animal", "top left corner seems like the most useful", etc.)
After five minutes, you can click again to reveal another square (you can still see all the squares you've already revealed) and have another guess.
So. No idea how well this will work (I've noticed a general trend with "stuff that involves other people"...), but it's not like that's ever stopped me before or is ever likely to stop me in the future, so
ETA: I should probably add that the five-minute gap is enforced by checking your IP address, so if anyone happens to get random messages saying that they've already guessed, it probably means that someone else in your house is looking at it.
ETA2: Apparently doesn't work in IE. I knew there was something I meant to check... I'll add that to my to-do list
*by clicking the little 'target' icon in the list of guesses