omana242posting for Brehn*
Brehn was very excited about the Spring Sing this year. He wanted to make sure that I could be there to take pictures of him singing. He was very excited to be singing "All God's Creatures" (which is cute... not overly religious, animal sounds and the like) and up to two weeks before the event they were going to sing "Unwritten" (a popesk song that Brehn loved!) But last minute they let the 6th graders sing it because "the 6th graders can sing it better"... that made me sad because Brehn was really looking forward to singing that song! Each class sang one song and some classes added a song on the recorder too. I think it's neat how Liberty teaches all the classes to use the recorder. It's amazing, Brehn really caught on to the recorder. I hope that next year he'll want to pick an instrument or sing in choir. He is so talented!
So... on with the pictures:
Brehn was very excited to have John and I there, first thing on a Thursday morning. (the concert was at 8:30am, coffee's were in hand heh)
I always love watching the younger grades sing.. so cute!! I snapped a pic of the first grade class because Brehn has some friends in there.
One such friend, Mateo, blonde boy next to the microphone... he and Brehn played at Daycare a lot
LMAO... Tyler... a friend of Brehn's from last year - now a fourth grader.... I love his shirt! And his attitude. heh
Brehn, on stage.... his favorite spot to be.
Class shot
Brehn was the only one of the group that looked happy to be there. He sang his heart out!
Recorder of doooom
All in all a success. Brehn had so much fun. And I think it's awesome that he's so proud of his accomplishments. =)