Feb 02, 2006 00:02
It's midnight and I've been up since 6. I'm so tired that sometimes my eyes randomly shut and then I snap out of it. Bed is probably a good option at this point right? Live journal not so much? Question of the day: Am i getting too old for live journal? Who do i write this thing for anyway? Myself? My fans? My future when I want to look back on the good old times? Well well well... as we can all see, little sleep with Breezy G= way too much deepness on a subject that has no relevance to life.
I'm not a good student this term. My days are consumed and then all i want to do when i finally get home is sit. Listen to my ipod and sit. Hence the reason I somehow ended up writing my spanish paper tonight way too late. Hence the reason it sounded like crap when I re-read it not to mention I sounded quite racist. I really love America and all... but I'm not racist. David Vasquez and John Mark came over tonight... they think i'm a little racist because I read the paper to them... but then we played "Name that tune" and all about my racistness was long forgotten.
I'm in a Kindergarten class right now. I want to squeeze every one of those kids until their eyes pop out. (Gross Brianne!) But no really... I do. I love them. I love the way their minds work. Today we had a good class heart to heart for about 5 minutes about how when you go to the bathroom you shouldn't take a very long time unless you have to poop. When you poop, you can go longer. That was the rule the kindergarteners decided on as a class today. Also... the teacher I've been placed with is amazing. She's seriously one of those personalities that you look at and you just know she was meant to teach. Joyfulness and song is abundant... It oozes out of her every second of every day. The only problem is, this is the most intimidating thing ever as a newbie teacher! I must say I haven't quite been in my "teacher Brianne" element until today. For some reason today, everything seemed to click. There were so many teachable moments that I was able to take advantage of and it felt so good. Ok enough of my babbling about how much I love my future profession. But i do... so there.