CONGRATULATIONS to my college roommate,
mandadean for correctly answering the "What is my favorite song right now" quiz! :)
Mucho congrats to her, especially since she went to great measures to figure out the answer! She was the first person who caught my hint in my LJ entry yesterday and was already looking up the answer before I even let it on that it was a hint.
As I told her on the phone last night, she will receive a free ice cream or dessert of some sort from DQ! :)
For the rest of you, who I'm pretty sure probably hasn't heard the song...if you'd like to hear it, go to
Taproot's website. The song playing in the background should be "POEM" (they rotate between Poem and Mine...but the only one I've heard lately is Poem). The whole song will play.
Thanks to everyone who played! *big hugs*