Jun 16, 2006 18:52
well. today was our 8th grade "graduation" if you will. we had a great time at school today. me and becca visited teachers and we all watched the slideshow and cried. honestly, i didnt think i was gonna cry. its just 8th grade. but goodness! these kids are my best friends, and algonquin is our safety net. without that, what do we have?
anywhooooo...afterwords, me, alyssa, kelsey, julia, alexa, audrey, angela, kimi and some of the boys went to coney island. THAT was great fun :) :) :) :) :) :) :) lolllll
then, we stopped by kelseys house so alexa and her could get their bathig suits, afterwords we went to kimis house...and then mine. we went to julias and swam. THEN lexie came. :) that girl. i love her, she makes me laugh. we had a great time when julia was trying to join our FAMILY! ;) i honestly saw audrey and angela in a different light today. i thought they were..not nessesarilly snobby, but i thought they hung out with those ppl. but really, they arent. they are 2 of the sweetest girls i know!
i think im gonna try and hang out with a whooole lot more ppl thati didnt think i was gonna hang out with this summer, for instance, lexie. shes a great girl. not to mention one of the funniest ppl i know. i can really talk to her about just about anything. :) :) :)
OOOH and then alyssa got a cell phone :D now we match!! lol
i think tomorrow i may go to the library with alyssa? idk..ill call her lol..and then her recitals. im thinking im gonna go to that toooo!
RIP Ebony---i ♥ you puppy :(