Jul 29, 2009 22:26
sooooo life is just grand hahaha
not really...life is the same ol boring ass shit. different day.
paid my first truck note...woo hoo
work is getting stupid....they are always pushing us and pushing us to try and sell shit to people and its like..i dont like hassling people for shit.
ive been thinking alot lately...about ryan. and jerry. i think of jerry everyday...but ryan...it really sucks. i miss him. i really would do anything to have one more time with him...even if it was for a minute. the same with jerry...but for some reason ive been thinking of ryan alot. i was texting with his mom and sister tonight, which is good. i need to keep in touch with them and xtill have a relationship with them. his mom has been there alot for me.
ok weird way to interupt but my neice is wathching NICKALODEON right now and some dude is dancing naked in his house alone and his wife walked in on him..and now she just said something bout HAVING SEX. wtf. nickadeloen sure has changed since those salute your shorts and clarissa explains it all days!