Nov 04, 2012 20:12
A pretty great weekend all told. Friday night started with a big bath complete with Lush, wine, passionate mice and a book. Followed up with chilling with Dessie.
Saturday was a trip to Nottingham with Marianne. A much needed girly day out for both of us I think. We did a little shopping, had lunch, wandered the streets and shops of the city, resisted the siren song of so many pretty bits of fabric and potential kit stuff, and generally had a lovely day. After getting home, Dessie, Duncan and I wrapped up and headed to the country park to see the firework display. It was cold and dark, there was the lamest little funfair ever seen we had to wait 2 hours before the fireworks started, and we had an absolute blast. There was a little train ride that's part of the railway museum which is tiny and would be a bit lame in the daytime but was somehow exhillerating and exciting in the dark, there was a band playing out of the back of a lorry who were surprisingly good, and the atmosphere was fun and bubbly. I loved it. So did the boys. Dessie and I were going to have a steak dinner after, but he'd forgotten to get the steak so we phoned a pizza instead. It was still great.
Today has also been a great day. It started off with swimming with the Williamses and the Hills, followed by a trip to Chez Williams to eat pumpkin cake. The kids amused themselves by and large, leaving us grown-ups to chat about boring things. It was great. Duncan is now up in bed asleep and I'm about to do a fabric order for Gareth. All good.