FIC: What Goes Down Must Come Up - TH slash

Jan 27, 2008 00:01

Title: What Goes Down Must Come Up
Fandom: Tokio Hotel
Pairing: Georg/Gustav
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: It's fiction, never happened
Warnings: None
Summary: What really happens after a concert when you're Georg and Gustav
Author's notes: Birthday!Fic for my darling 
kiakaha and hopelessly late at that… ^_^;;; Hope you had a wonderful day, Dear, and that you'll enjoy this little piece of, well, fluff, I guess ^__^ <33

Some never tire and some always do. You? You never tire. You are always full of energy, constantly moving. You are lazy as well, that is true. You love doing nothing, but that still doesn't change the fact that you never tire, no matter what you do.


You wake with a jolt and swear to God you only closed your eyes for a second. The first thing you notice is that Gustav is coming your way; the next that you are completely and utterly exhausted. The show is over and so is your adrenaline rush, leaving you drained. And no, you don't tire, really you don't, but it is a commonly known fact that playing a concert sucks you dry.

Gustav continues talking to you, but you are too worn out to actually listen. Your muscles are sore, your limbs heavy, and your mouth is so dry that you would be spitting dust if there was enough strength left in your jaw to actually open your mouth. It contrasts greatly with your sweaty skin that soaks not only your clothes, making them stick uncomfortable to your body, but also your hair, making it curl, which would normally annoy you to no end, but you just can't be bothered to even care about it now. Basically you can't really move and although that should be a worrying thought it isn't because you are used to this and more importantly, so is Gustav.

He pulls you to your feet and somehow gets your arms through the sleeves of your jacket. He quickly picks up both your bags and then pushes you towards the door leading you outside and into the van that is going to take you to your hotel.

You fall into your seat gracelessly, your eyes falling closed as Gustav tries to make you as comfortable as possible. You lean your head against the window, disregarding that every joint in your body is screaming at you in protest and you barely register that Gustav's hands stay close, buckling your seat belt and leaning you against him in stead of against the car.

The next thing you know Gustav's hands are moving again, this time trying to extract you from your seat to get you out of the van. You don't really want to. Not because the van is comfortable, 'cause it absolutely isn't, but because just moving still requires way more energy than you are ready to and capable of. You mould further into Gustav's body making him laugh a bit, only to drag you forcefully out of the van and in the general direction of the main entrance of the hotel.

You stumble and barely manage to stay on your feet. The weariness clings to you and you just want to lie down. Gustav gives you a soft push and you tumble through the swing doors and the lobby just to end in the elevator, leaning your head against the mirrored surface. It is a lot more comfortable than the van and for the first time since leaving the venue, the thought of your bed enters your mind and you suddenly can't wait.

The elevator dings and Gustav leads you down the hallway to your room. In theory you have separate rooms, but because Gustav knows how useless you are after a show he always stays with you, leaving his own bed untouched. He even keeps your room key because there is no real reason for you to have it yourself with the state you are in.

After closing the door behind the two of you, he places you in a chair and disappears out of your line of sight. You don't mind, though, because the chair is soft and comfortable and you could almost fall asleep here for real, if not for the fact that your body is still sticky and you desperately need something to drink. With a content sigh, the first sound you have made since the show, you settle into the chair and relax your muscles. A hand, Gustav's, lifts your chin slightly and holds a glass of water to your lips. You drink slowly, swallowing small, even sips until the glass is empty.

Gustav returns it to the bathroom and then kneels down in front of you, caressing your denim clad knee.

'I drew you a bath,' he says, running his hands over your thighs and body till he reaches the hem of your t-shirt, pulling it over your head and off your shoulders along with your jacket.

You lean into his touch, enjoying the familiarity, the comfort, and the gentleness of the callused hands. Your shoes and socks are next and you like the feel of his fingertips on your ankles and toes before they move up to loosen your belt and pull off your jeans and boxers.

Finally being naked feels refreshing and you somehow manage a small smile of appreciation with a soft look in your eyes. You don't feel uncomfortable standing like this in front of Gustav. You have seen each other in every possible state over the past few years and these days it just feels like home.

Gustav kicks off his shoes and pulls off his own t-shirt before he follows you into the bathroom and carefully helps you get comfortable in the bathtub. He washes your hair and scrubs your back and you have never felt better in your life! It doesn't matter that you have both done this a million times already; it still feels like pure magic and that is why you keep doing it.

You instantly feel more refreshed and when your bath is over you almost manage to find your way to the bed by yourself. Gustav, however, tucks you in, picks up your clothes and then hurriedly disappears into the bathroom again to take his own quick shower before crawling into bed with you. He refuses to sleep naked like you do, but his skin is warm and the sheets are cool and that combination is what suddenly reminds you that, despite how comfortable you are, it is still early and you never really tire; especially not with someone like him lying next to you, smiling at you with sparkling, sexy eyes.

It is going to be a long night, but that doesn't bother you as you know you won't get tired no matter what you get up to. Not as long as you are with him.
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