I finally finished it!

Aug 18, 2010 19:50

I finally finished the painting that I'm going to give Renee O'Connor when I meet her in a week O_o woot EXCITED!
I can't wait to meet her, will be the ultimate experience!
I have worked on this painting for a very long time and I'm rather proud of the end result.
For the almost full view, go to my deviantart: http://emsen.deviantart.com/art/For-Renee-175841722

I'm so sorry about the watermark but it's important none takes this one and claims it as their own. It's for Renee only, and NONE ELSE! None! None!
I know people just love to steal, it's what people do on internet *cough*mebeingapiratetoo*cough*.

Anyway I hope you will like it and COMMMENT, cause comments are ♥
Click on the image to make it bigger!

painting, renee o'connor, !maker: emsen

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