Don't remember too much, but I do remember that me, and about 5 other females, were running from this sister-brother assassin team. My dreamself had become this dark, curly-haired, tanned, muscular female - very amazonian. All the girls were very fit and could take on four people at a time *no more reading female assassin book :P*
But I was hiding between folded up cardboard boxes trying to hide from the guy. He found me and I ran to another location where I was hiding from his sister. She surrendered her gun as the brother was coming up the stairs that lead to the balcony we were on. I ran for the gun and found it to have no cartridge and the sis just fooled me. I fought her and won while the brother just stood by. Then we fought - I lost - and he sold me to a Rennie-like person who was trying to get tarp to cover his booth.
After being sold, I said that I could help him with it since I had a few connections with people *meaning that I would steal it*. The man agreed and had his son follow me in secret. I knew he was behind me because he had heavy footsteps. I was able to gain access to look at the tarps that were being sold *they were in a warehouse that was guareded like Fort Knox* because of the way I was dressed.
This top and
this bottom but they matched perfectly.
Don't remember much after this, but I escaped, as did my friends, and we lived happily ever after :P