(no subject)

May 21, 2006 14:11

I have never before done a meme... in fact, I don't really know what "meme" means, but I have decided, that at least this once, I will take the dive and join in. So here we go, all about the letter "N" (If you want a letter in return, ask, and I'll gladly give)

I think that Maewyn may have given me this letter intentionally, because I think the most glaringly obvious thing recently would be:


Well, I've only been once before in my life, and that was only about 3 years ago.  Being the "small town country bumpkin" I am from little ole Looziana,  my first maybe, 5 hours, were spent in a bit of culture shock.  Everything in Louisiana is nice and slow; extremely relaxed.  You walk down the street and you smile and say "hello" to everyone you pass.  "Please" "Thank you" and "Yes m'am/sir" are requirements of any conversation.  In NYC, eyes are diverted so as to avoid conversation of any kind, and people nearly walk run to get to their obviously VERY important destination.  I bumped into someone, said "excuse me, I'm sorry" and the guy turned and looked at me as though I had spontaneously sprouted two heads.  I wanted, more than anything, to hop back on that plane and head right back to the magnolia trees and southern hospitality to which I'd grown accustomed.  However, it only took me a few hours to fall in love with the hustle and the bustle.  I felt a part of something--a part of something BIG.  The city pulses with life and energy--and I was hooked.  I spent the next three years, up to this point, plotting how I was going to make it there.  And, if you're reading this, you probably already know, I leave in just 20 days for a two month stint living in NYC!  The city that never sleeps...


We all grow up baking with our with our mothers.  I remember many loving hours spent making thumb print cookies and helping her roll out pie dough, but one of my very favorite things was to make Nestle Toll House cookies.  This was because these I could make on my very own, or with the help of my sister (who generally just wanted to do the fun parts like stir and put the flour in while I put away all the ingredients).  After they came out of the oven we'd dance around, waiting for them to cool enough to eat.  Generally, we ate them far before they were ready.  You know, when the chocolate is still gooey and the cookie breaks apart, and you can't really taste the cookie because it's so very hot--but I still think that's the best time to eat a batch of cookies.  Best of all, one time my dog ate somewhere around two dozen chocolate chip cookies we had made, and she's still here to tell the tale.


Growing up, I loved to read.  I had a wonderful imagination, and reading was actually like diving into another world.  One of my favorite books was "The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe."  I knew there was a whole series  of these books, my sister had them all, but even as a child I was a bit obsessive, and I loved that story so much I didn't want to read the others.  Not to mention, they seemed quite grown up to me, as my sister is a whole 2 years older, so until two years ago, I had only read LWW of the series.  When I first heard that LWW was going to be made a movie, I borrowed the book from a friend (my sister had taken her copy when she "grew up" and moved away), as I hadn't read it in years and I wanted to freshen up. I read the entire series and loved it.  Then I saw the movie, and Narnia was just PERFECT.  It looked just right, and I wanted to visit it so badly.  Too bad behind my coats there isn't another world. (Trust me, I've looked!)  I guess the closest thing I'll ever get to Narnia is the next thing on my list...


Now, I've never been to New Zealand, and to tell you the truth, I don't know a whole lot about it.  But ever since the year 2000, when the first Lord of the Rings movie was released, I unknowningly fell in love with New Zealand.  But anywhere that can so beautifully act as the stage for both Middle Earth and Narnia has to be a wonderful place, and someday I WILL visit.


(Not the ranch)  I know these are all mostly places that I'm listing, but seriously, when you live in Louisiana you are either the type who wants to live there forever and have deep roots or the type that wants to get out ASAP.  I've grown up in the school of "anywhere but here", and one of my very favorite places to imagine going has always been Neverland.  Peter Pan has to be one of my very favorite fairy tales.  I used to jump off of my parent's sink in a desperate attempt to fly--assuming that I just didn't have happy enough thoughts when it didn't work.  The Peter Pan ride at Disney World was, and is to this day, my favorite ride.  I was always Wendy when we played Peter Pan as a child--she was so very lucky!  Last year I even auditioned for the part of Wendy in our local theater's production of Peter Pan--but considering I had no experience, I didn't get the part.  Now my next ambition in this lifelong pursuit of "Finding Neverland" is to, next May, take that college degree I have worked so hard for to Florida and audition to be the character of Wendy at Disney World.  Hey, you only live once, right?


Ok, this isn't a positive thing, but it's definitely a HUGE part of my life.  It's common among many people--the fear of needles.  Now, I've gotten to the point where I can handle shots like a big kid, but I still DREAD the thought of a needle being forced into a muscle on my arm.  Come flu season, I'd rather get the flu than the shot.  At the age of 12, when I had to get the tetanus shot and two hepatitis shots, I actually told the nurse "I promise I won't get them" (meaning tetanus and hepatitis).  It was awful... I cringe at the thought... and don't even get me started on having blood taken...so moving on!


My mom tells me that it's just wrong that this generation takes so many naps.  She says that laying down should not happen during the day unless you are sick.  However, it's apparently alright with her to fall asleep in your lazy boy while watching tv... but that's another story.  I'm pretty much the queen of naps.  I'll wake up at 6 for work/school, go about my business of the day, get home and take a nap and then go out again that night and be out till oh... maybe 2 in the morning, sometimes later.  This is the reason I need to nap--I believe this comes with the territory of being 21 and in college.  There was a day when I could be out until 2 and wake up at 6 and be ready to go the next night without a nap, but apparently, I'm getting old and tired.  So I've reverted to the lifestyle of a 5 year old--early mornings and long days that are only survived by the addition of naps.


So, that's technically cheating... since it's in another language, but oh well, I get creativity points.  Navidad = Christmas.  Christmas was always a huge deal in my house while growing up.  Let's just say, I inherited my obsessive genes from my mother, and her obsession is Christmas.  We listen to Christmas music year round in her house, and she even gives it up for Lent.  So, if you grow up in a household like that, how can you help but love it with all of your heart?  I love the season more than anything else.  The world transforms as it sparkles with tinsle and christmas lights, and everyone's attitude changes as well.  Even the grouchiest scrooge can have more of a heart during the Christmas season.  So I guarantee that when I have my own house and my own children, Christmas will be just as much of a deal as when I was growing up.

Ok... two more... this is getting tough


I realize that sounds a litte morbid--but I'm starting to get desperate here.  Necropolis means city of the dead--just hear me out here.  One of my favorite things is history--ancient history to be exact.  I love reading about Ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome, and have that morbid fascination that most of us share.  Otherwise, why would we dig up Egyptian tombs or excavate Roman crypts?  I would love to just take the rest of my life to explore and learn all about ancient cultures, but too bad we have to be realistic and get jobs and make money so that we can eat... and not become ancient history before our time. ;)

alright! Numero dicci!



One of my favorite things to do as a kid was go out and look in trees for bird's nests.  This lasted throughout my childhood--my mom would always let me know when a new bird's nest had taken up residency somewhere in our backyard.  These days, nest has taken on a whole new meaning.  You grow up in your house with your parents, and are very comfortable.  The phrase "not a care in the world" is applicable here as your parents make sure you are provided for.  All of a sudden though, you grow up, and nest takes on a whole new meaning.  Parents experience "Empty Nest Syndrome" while their children go out into the world and attempt to establish their own nest.  I went out and lived on my own for 2 and a half years, but was forced into moving home for the past 5 months.  It's odd how this house that I grew up in can feel less like home after only being gone 2+ years.  I guess that saying "you can never go home again" rings true, and I'll just have to keep searching for my own nest!

The end!  That was rough, who knew how hard the letter "N" would be to relate to my life.  I have a feeling that as soon as I post this, and the pressure is off, I'll think of a whole new lot of words that start with "N" that I could have used.  oh well, this is what you get!

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