Aug 10, 2009 21:17

GUESS WHAT?!?!??! I have a JOB! Well okay, I've had a job for a while. But I kept responding "I have a job. Dunno what school. Dunno what grade. Yeah, it does suck."

BUT! I got a call today about where I will be placed! And seriously.... GOD IS SO GOOD. Like, seriously. You don't even know. When I first got a job, I was told that I would be placed in 5th grade at a school I knew nothing about (which says a lot since my district only has 10 schools). I was definitely freaked out. 5 year olds to 10 year olds. That's such a big jump. So I waited, and prayed, a lot, and worried.... But GOD IS SERIOUSLY SO GOOD. Let me tell you how.
1. I have a job at all. :)
2. I'll be teaching at the school I student taught at, therefore:
3. I know one of the kindergarten teachers.
4. I'll be teaching 5th grade.
5. One of the other 5th grade teachers is my friend, Naomi. We went to college and grad school together. We're like actual friends, not just work friends.
6. Naomi is one of my CCFF's. Which stands for Christian Critical Friends Forever... (grad school joke), but this means I have a friend I can count on to pray for me when I need it, and to encourage me to be Christ-like.
7. My BTSA provider (like a mentor teacher) from last year is the school's new Reading Specialist.
8. My other friend that I went through BTSA with is also a teacher there. (at least I hope so)
9. The principal used to work at my old school as the Reading Specialist; she was the one that first hired me in the district.
9. I also know one of the office ladies, since she used to work at my old school too.

Seriously so many blessings! Like, you don't even know how God takes care of us. I think back on the days this summer when I was untrusting or grumbling about my lack of a job, and God continues to pour out blessings on me even though I was ungrateful.

Other things that remind me how awesome God is...
- Got to watch "Wicked" last night. It was sooooo amazing. I liked it A LOT. Even though it made me a little emo. And reminded me how much I miss Christine Lu. But San Diego FTW! Yay for musicals!
- Annie has been visiting the last couple days... we ate a lot of cheese and took pictures and had a lot of good laughs. ilu, Annie.
- Joon is teaching Connie and I Korean. hahahhaha.... I know I start school/work soon, but it's fun to learn new things. And you know... It's Korean. I love Korean. So fun times hanging out with fun people.

Lots of things are great in life. People should remember that more (and by people, I mean "me"). The whole "FML" comment things are funny to read, I admit. I think, however, that we should focus more on the awesome stuff in our lives, instead of the crappy stuff. At least I should. No complaining, that's what I would like to do.

SO LAST FEW DAYS OF SUMMER. Let's party it up! Who wants to play?!

*I need to bring back my "Jerry Dance of Joy" icon... What is my happiest icon? Baby TY? He's throwing his hands up and saying "YAY"... that's what it says in my head. :P

god is good., life

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