1. Go
2. Pass it on.
1.~How did you meet
peacedaisy20? we had a class together last year
2.~What would you do if you had never met
nachohillbilly? probably had a better time in high school with out him in all my classe!!...jk i love you doug
3.~What do you honestly think of
_subject2change? awesome person
4.~Would or did
iwannalickurcat and
sunshine6322 go out? no!
5.~Have you ever liked
faithful04? i love faith! she is my black sister
goldendancer died tomorrow, what is one thing that you would need him/her to know? i love you jazzy.... you can always make me smile
renny247 and
princesserotica make a good couple? nope
poetictender07 in 3 words: sweet, adorable, fun person
9.~Do you think
bebiblu143 is hot? o hell yea i love my suitemate
goldendancer and
angel_bee make a lovely couple? probably not
11.~What do you think of when you see
sunshine6322? spanish 102
12.~Tell me something humiliating about
princesserotica: i have no idea
13.~Do you know any of
alligk08's family members? i think i met her mom once last year
psyko_kittie's favorite color? fucked if i know
15.~On a scale of 1-10 how cute is
deirdre_marie? 11
16.~What would you do if
green_knight_08 just professed their undying love for you? she does that all the time! i love you boobie!
17.~What language does
iwannalickurcat speak? english
18.~Who is
marymollygk08 going out with? me! i love my roomie
valgalsweetie a boy or a girl? girl
_boomboom_ and
green_knight_08 make a good couple? probably not....karissa likes boys
21.~Who do you think
seamusjr would be great with from this list? hmm..... .i aint answering
22.~When was the last time you talked to
bebiblu143? this morning
23.~What is
faithful04's favorite band? someone black im sure
renny247 have any siblings? maybe
25.~Would you ever date
alligk08? probably not.... i love you but i love guys too
26.~Would you ever date
poetictender07? again probably not
seamusjr single? yes
28.~What is
psyko_kittie's last name? parker
29.~What is
_boomboom_'s middle name? no idea
30~What is
_subject2change's fantasy? me! duh! just kidding...maybe something kinky
31.~Where does
valgalsweetie live? banks
32.~Would you make out with
peacedaisy20? nope
nachohillbilly and
alligk08 best friends? noooo
poetictender07 like
psyko_kittie? i dont think so
35.~How did you meet
_boomboom_? pioneer weekend last year
bebiblu143 older than you? yes ma'am she is.....her birthday is next week!
angel_bee the sexiest person alive? sure