Feb 27, 2012 11:17
After the overall snooze-worthy Oscars last night, I've spent a bit of time this morning watching trailers for films I'm actually excited about. (And a couple viewings of the newest Game of Thrones trailer for good measure... more geeking on that in a minute.)
Of everything I'm stoked for (including The Raven, Brave, the Snow White movie with Bella Swan -- though it looks amazing for everything BUT her, The Avengers, etc.), I honestly don't think I could be more geeked for The Hobbit Part 1. And after another viewing of the trailer, I've realized how many times I will need to see this movie:
Once for the overall feel, in 3D
Once for the overall feel, in 2D
Once for Aidan Turner
Once for James Nesbitt
Possibly once for Richard Armitage
At least twice for Martin Freeman and his amazing face
That's at least seven times. If it's as good as ANY of the LotR movies, I will have no problem hitting that quota... or, more likely, exceeding it.
To say nothing of when movie two hits and I have to add viewings for Luke Evans (*swoon*) and Benedict 'as' Smaug.
Regarding the new Game of Thrones trailer... holy.carp. I get more and more excited every time they release more stuff. Even though there are some VERY clear deviations in this trailer, I cannot help but have geekgasms over the epicnesss.
Spoilerific Notes:
Jeyne + Robb = very moved up in the timeline. I'm pretty much fine with this as it gives us first person perspective from Robb, something we never get in the books. Also, Richard Madden is gorgeous, so please let's give him some sexy time.
I do, however, hope that as this gets shifted, we find some time in series three for Edmure and the Blackfish because they're ultimately too important to leave out entirely as they have been this series. Plus, the Blackfish is just badass.
Brienne. Looks. Fantastic.
Tyrion and the pot of wildfire shot gives me chills. So do the shots of the men of the Wall trekking through the wilds. Iceland, indeed.
I love James Cosmo as the Old Bear. *sadface*
I know it's just trailers, but almost every shot of Dany has Jorah beside or behind her. Very telling.
Still not overwhelmed with Dillane as Stannis (because he's not Eccleston), but Melisandre looks wonderful. Those shadow babies are gonna cause some nightmares, methinks.
Someone on a thread made a comment re: Tywin's Shere Khan voice... it's so appropriate.
Am now convinced the sack of Winterfell will not be until series three. Which, considering major casting exclusions from this series, makes me hopeful of ultimate inclusion *cough*TheReedChildren*cough*
The producers have said that a character will die this season who doesn't die in the books. I'm starting to wonder if it's Ros, who isn't IN the books...
I know we have to save some surprises, but I really want a glimpse/footage of Ygritte and/or Asha/Yara.
award shows,
hot men,