From Twitter 05-11-2010

May 12, 2010 03:06

  • 09:39:37: Morning, tweeps! Anyone else mainlining caffeine this morning? #tuesdayisthenewmonday
  • 12:51:28: Patrick would be happy #Coupling RT @ bbcworld Gordon Brown resigns with Lib Dems poised to give David Cameron backing
  • 13:34:19: RT @anglotopia: RT @Jas: RT @ampersandmatt: Disappointed BBC didn't do Dr Who regeneration sequence for change of PM
  • 14:03:18: RT @MrsStephenFry: Oh dear. The cat's worked out how to open the fridge. We'll have to find somewhere else to keep him.
  • 14:04:26: RT @MrsStephenFry: I'm very disappointed with Gordon Brown's behaviour. He could at least have sung Edelweiss to give his wife and child ...
  • 15:41:42: @ SallyStardust neutral... but only because I've already seen your boobs ;)
  • 16:01:32: #DidntWantToPointItOut RT @ SallyStardust Good point! #WhoHasnt RT @breeberst: @SallyStardust neutral, only b/c I've already seen your boobs
  • 16:47:42: Anyone else on Dreamwidth? It's pretty cool... like a more creatively-minded LJ pre ads.
  • 16:54:48: Just got an email from a bookstore advertising Sarah Palin's new book. ICK. #resistingurgetovomit
  • 17:21:30: Uh-oh... I smell a hick showdown brewin' between @ regnilreh and @EzraBuzzington
  • 22:47:11: Oh, Last of the Mohicans... if only you were a silent movie you'd be so. much. better.

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