Apr 27, 2010 03:06
- 09:18:19: Finally. Someone who agrees with me re: HDTV http://xkcd.com/732/
- 09:22:33: RT @laurendwebb: Never thought I'd say it, but yay Hef! RT @ LAist Peak Saved! Hugh Hefner's Donation Saves Land Next to Hollywood Sign: ...
- 09:45:14: @ MonicaToujours Me = still scared. Of course, statues have always creeped me out a little. Now I just have 'valid' reason to fear them.
- 09:51:31: SON OF A WHORE. @ hansonmusic playing on August 16th at The Intersection in GR = so NOT the same as playing HoB in LA. I WANT TO GO HOME.
- 11:26:00: @ someoneingrey LOL. You and @starharris. I just pretend the end didn't exist and focus on the great absurdities and hotness of Jude Law.
- 11:40:20: @ starharris ditto... and I live in a city of 6 million people. I think one of us should come see the other JUST to go to see them. *HINT*
- 12:45:55: Curse you, poverty! I want to go see The Lost Boys tonight at @ ArcLightCinemas but has no moneys! :(
- 14:14:11: It was REALLY obnoxious & poorly placed RT@ DocWhoStore BBC has received more than 5,500 complaints from Doctor Who fans http://bit.ly/dr3L3C
- 14:49:01: @ starharris pshaw! everybody needs to escape from work now and then. So what if you do it back to back :)
- 14:55:59: #MM @ hansonmusic Thinking 'Bout Something. Don't knock it until you really listen to it. RT @FitBottomedGirl What's on your iPod right now?
- 16:04:25: Mmmmm... Giant Pixie Stix. In purple. Purple's a fruit.
- 16:37:27: Weekend re-cap for the first time in... ummmm... long time. http://breebers.livejournal.com/480426.html
- 16:38:26: Purple's a 'drank' too? Learn sumpin' new e'er day... RT @FlintGrl: @ breeberst lol...in the words of my coworker it's also a "drank".
- 16:38:59: @ MandaClaws mmmhmmm. They are so tasty. I'm trying to resist eating the whole thing today.
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