This is entertaining... if you want to read snark about LotR, which I sometimes do. Hell, Ang and I completely destroyed the first movie for ourselves years ago. I have yet to find anyone to do worse damage than we did.
In any case, while they did hit a couple of my existing issues/snarky amusements, they missed my biggest one. So here it is:
In the film, Elrond apparently accompanied Isildur (like predecessors to Homosexual Tendencies Frodo and Little Bitch Sam) into the mountain of fire to dispatch of Sauron's evil, gold instrument of woe. Only Isildur went all First-Gollum and refused to get rid of the damned thing. So what does Elrond, lord of the elves, leader of their army, bad-ass extraordinaire do? Stand there like a whiny pussy and say, "Hey, Isildur, throw that thing into the fire! It's going to corrupt you and allow evil to continue for centuries to come! It could enslave the world! Dude! Dude? Where're you going, dude? Hey man, the fire's the other way. Come back and toss the ring, man. Just... wait... come back... please?"
Seriously, pick the MFer up and toss him in the damn pit of fire.
But no. It's more fun to turn our guilt-ridden conscience into a grudge against men for being weak when really it was your dumb ass that could have saved the world, only you were too lazy to pounce on a tosser and hurl him over a cliff. Pussy.
And this is why sometimes it's a very bad idea to play around with someone else's existing plot...
Along the same lines (snark), but WAY more amusing, see this: