(no subject)

Oct 04, 2006 20:03

Title: Romeo and Juliet 4/4
Author: bree_addiction
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Nothing

Summary: See parts 1, 2 and 3

Rex parted her top and bent down to kiss her, slow and sensual. Their first time had to be perfect. Bree wanted it to last forever. She pulled off his top, revealing his muscular chest; she gripped his arms and kissed him back, their tongues rubbing together. Rex kissed over her jaw, and all the way down to her earlobe, sucking gently. “I love you, you’re so beautiful.” Bree smiled and closed her eyes, relaxing into his tender kisses. She somehow didn’t feel at all exposed. Yes he could see her bra but on any other day she would be blushing bright red. But today she’s not. She smiling and feels like flying. Rex kisses down her neck and she emits a moan, not too loud, remembering her parents are downstairs. He sucked on her collarbone and Bree moaned again, louder than the last. She heard a ringing come from her draw and Rex stopped kissing her neck. Bree smiled up at him, “Just leave it.” He smiled and came back down to where his lips had just been. Bree’s phone kept ringing and she began to get frustrated, “I really think someone doesn’t want us to be together.” Rex laughed and straightened up, “Well we are playing Romeo and Juliet, and we were destined to collide sometime.”

Bree giggled and looked at her phone screen. It was Ty. She really didn’t want to talk to him, but he would keep calling. She opened the phone and sighed, “Hello.” “Bree you took your time.” “Sorry, I was in the bathroom.” “Oh okay. You broke your promise. You said I would get to see you.” Rex grinned and began kissing Bree’s neck, his hands pulling off her top. “I know, I’m sorry, but I just have so much studying to do.” “I know baby, but I mean I could have taken your mind off of it.” Rex licked down her chest and Bree giggled, “Sorry Ty, but I have to go, my dad wants me. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She hung up the phone and threw it away, not caring for his answer. She lay down and pulled Rex back on top of her. She allowed Rex to take off her bra and she moaned loudly as he sucked one nipple in his mouth. “Oh god!” “Is this okay Bree?” “Yes, it’s fine.” He smiled and continued to suck gently, his other hand softly cupping her other breast. Bree moaned, hardly believing this was happening. She wanted more of him, more of his kisses, more of his touches. She was unsure of what he was going to do next. She felt scared and excited at the same time. Rex curled his hands under her pyjama bottoms looking up into her eyes for reassurance. Bree nodded and waited as he peeled off her trousers, along with her panties. She panted as she felt a sudden heat rippling through her.

Rex smiled and unbuckled his belt and pushed his trousers off his hips and stepped out of them, removing his boxers. He covered Bree’s body with hers and parted her legs. He gazed into her eyes and she smiled. “Bree, if I hurt you, I’ll stop, but promise me you will tell me.” “I promise.” “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.” Bree smiled and ran her hands through his hair, wondering how she had found a man so caring. He entered her slowly, noticing her lip caught between her teeth. He held himself still inside her, waiting for her to relax into the new sensation. She finally pulled him closer, and he began to slowly move. Slow, deep strokes, making sure to keep her gaze, to see if she’s hurt. Bree moans and presses herself against him; she hadn’t ever felt a feeling this amazing before. She was so hot and she wanted nothing more than to feel Rex as deep as possible.

Rex kissed her softly on the lips, still thrusting slowly, “You okay?” “Yeah, I love you so much.” “I love you too.” Rex groaned when Bree wrapped her long legs around his waist, pulling him deeper inside her. She felt something building within her and she knew it was extreme. It felt so amazing but strange at the same time. Rex closed his arms around her waist, pressing their bodies together. Bree was getting wetter and wetter and she knew she was close. She felt a loud moan forming in her throat, no wait it’s coming up more like a scream. And she wants to scream. She wants to scream Rex’s name. He kisses her and she moans into his mouth as she finally feels a release, relaxing into his arms. Rex follows her, groaning and pulling her as close to him as possible. He instantly pulls out of her, not wanting to push it. He rolls over and pulls Bree close, covering them with the sheets. Bree snuggles up into his arms and smiles at him. “Rex, that was wonderful.” “Tell me about it, you…” “What?” “Well you felt so perfect.” Bree blushed and Rex kissed her gently, “I wouldn’t mind doing that everyday would you?” Bree giggled, “No as a matter of fact I wouldn’t.” “Maybe it would be better if your parents weren’t in the same house next time.” “Maybe.” Bree smiled and inched closer to him, their lips almost touching, “I love you Rex.” “I love you too Bree.”

Bree woke up and smiled. It was still nighttime and she was still wrapped tightly in Rex’s arms. She kissed him awake and he grinned, his arms tightening around her. “Hey.” Bree leaned forward and kissed him again, rolling on top of him. “Bree, we can’t. I have to go, or your father will kill me. Literally.” Bree smiled, “But I don’t want you to go.” Rex brushed her hair out of her face and smiled. “Fine, I’ll stay and get killed by your dad if you wish.” “As long as you stay.” Rex rolled his eyes and kissed her. Bree heard a noise coming from downstairs and broke away, “Rex, go now. I think he’s coming.” Rex nodded and quickly got up out the bed, getting dressed. Bree also scrambled to get her pyjamas on. Rex kissed her passionately before he went out through the window. “I love you.” “I love you too.” She waited until he was out of sight before settling down in her bed, grabbing one of study guides. She hears a soft knock at the door and she goes to answer it, slowly opening the door, “Hi dad.” “Bree are you okay? You look flushed.” “No I’m fine, I just uh, I just was exercising.” Bree smiled sweetly as her dad studied her with precision. “Okay, well I wanted to tell you that I was going to bed now. Goodnight.” “Night daddy.” She gave him a kiss on the cheek and closed her door, leaning against it. She walked over to her bed and just looked at it, smiling. She could still feel Rex in the room. She suddenly felt two strong arms wrap around her waist and hot breath tickling her ear. “Bree meet me at Skyline Drive after college tomorrow.” She went to turn around but he had already left. Her ear felt all tickly. She slipped into her bed and rested her head on the pillow Rex had slept on. She deeply inhaled the scent of his aftershave that had taken its place there.

Bree came out of her class and started looking for Rex. She started walking until she was pulled back and into an embrace. She giggled and turned to see Ty. “Ty.” “Hey honey. I have a surprise for you.” He pressed his lips down on hers and she was ready to push him away. “Uh Ty, can we talk?” “Sure sweetie.” She pulled him by the arm, through the mass of people crowding the corridors. They walked out onto the field and Bree stopped in front of him. “Ty, I like you.” “And I like you. Hell I love you Bree.” Bree’s stomach churned as she could see his eyes so hopeful. “I thought I did too.” Ty frowned and stood still, “What do you mean?” Bree took a deep breath, “This isn’t working, and I don’t think it’s fair on you if you are so completely in love with someone who is in love with…another person.” Ty’s mouth parted slightly but Bree was determined to finish. “Ty, I love you with all my heart but, just not in that way.” Ty nodded gloomily and Bree sighed, “I’m sorry.” “No it’s fine, I should have known you couldn’t give up on him so easily.” Bree felt tears pricking her eyes and Ty started to walk away. “Ty?” He turned back to her, “Yeah?” “What was the surprise?” Ty smiled and looked down at the ground. “I was going to ask you to marry me.” Bree gasped and let her tears flow. “I’m so sorry Ty.” She repeated. Ty walked away from her, letting out his own tears.

Rex smiled as he saw Bree walking towards him. He could see her tear stained face and he instantly pulled her into his arms. “Hey, what’s wrong?” She cried into his shoulder, clinging to him desperately. “Bree, please tell me.” He brushed the strands of hair from her face and made her look at him. God she looked beautiful. “I told Ty. He was so devastated.” Rex held her closer, “I know Bree, but it’s for the best.” “No Rex, I hurt him, again, and I couldn’t bear to see him like that, why did this have to hurt people?” “I don’t know Bree, I don’t. If I could change the situation I would, but you know I love you.” Bree sighed, relaxing into his arms. “I love you too. I just wish we didn’t have to hurt people.” “I know baby.” He cradled her and stroked her hair soothingly. “Come on.” Rex pulled her by the hand and led her over to the wall, lifting her up onto it. He settled in between her legs and smiled, holding her close. “Bree?” “Yeah?” He smiled at her and bent down on one knee, “If you marry me Bree Mason, I promise to love you for the rest of my life.” Rex pulled out the box and revealed the diamond ring, sparkling from the light. “Oh Rex.” Bree jumped down from the wall and kissed him passionately, “Yes, yes, yes,” He cut her off by another passionate kiss. “I love you Bree, I love you so much.” “I love you too, promise me you’ll never leave me.” “I won’t ever go.” He wrapped her up in his arms as it started beating down with rain. “Rex come home with me.” “Bree, your parents will be there.” “We’ll go through the back door, come on let’s get out of this rain.” Rex grinned and lifted Bree up from the floor and started to run with her to the car. Bree laughed and begged him to put her down. “Rex no!” She laughed again as he tickled her sides. He finally placed her down on the ground outside the car and was rewarded with a loving kiss.
  Bree walked hand in hand with Rex up to her back door, slowly opening it to make sure no one was there. They tiptoed inside and Bree looked through to see her parents in the living room. She quickly pulled Rex up the stairs, quietly closing her bedroom door. “That was close.” “Yeah I know.” Bree grinned and pressed her body up against his, pushing him into the door. She leaned down and locked the door, looking back up into his eyes. Rex smiled and stroked her cheek, kissing her softly. “Rex, can I talk to you about something first.” “Sure baby, you can always talk to me.” Bree smiled and sat down on the bed with him. “You know how we’re playing Romeo and Juliet.” “Yeah?” “Do you think we’re like them?” Rex smiled and hugged her, “I do, our parents don’t want us together, and your parents want you to marry someone. We’re in love. Of course we’re like them.” “Well what about how they kill each other to be together. Would you do that for me?” Rex stared at her, in shock of her words; of course he would do it. “You know I would, if it meant I could be with you, I would. I love you Bree.” “I love you too.” “Now can we please stop talking about if you died, it’s making me upset.” “Why?” “Because I can’t live without you.” Bree smiled and leaned in to kiss him, slowly pushing him down into her bed, “I love you Rex.” “I love you more.”
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