(no subject)

Sep 23, 2006 23:08

Title: Protecting Me
Author: bree_addiction
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Nothing

Rex flicks through the stations of the TV and sighs heavily. He hadn’t expected this was what it was going to be like if he divorced Bree. He thought it would be a lot easier, but it’s not. He’s lost without her. He reached over for the phone and dialled their home number. “Hello.” His heart skipped a beat from just hearing her voice again. “Hey, it’s me.” “Oh, hi, Rex. How are you? Is something wrong?” He paused for a moment, wondering if she really was worried about him. He desperately wanted to see her and maybe touch her, and kiss her. “Well, I was just about to grab dinner from the motel vending machine, and it occurred to me, what the heck? I'll go out. Would you like to have dinner with me?” Please say yes. Please. “Sure, I’ll come down there now.” Rex beamed and smiled into the phone, “Great, I’ll see you soon.”

Bree hung up the phone and just stood thinking. Why would he want to go out for dinner? That’s not what separated couples do. She tried not to read too much into it and went off to pick her outfit. But she couldn’t help picking out Rex’s favourite outfit. She really wanted him back. She couldn’t last without him and spending a night away from him hurt her. She put on the make up she knew Rex loved, and the perfume that made Rex’s head spin and the tight fitting dress that turned him on every time he looked at her.  She looked at her hair in the mirror and sighed. What to do with it? She took her brush and smoothed out “the flip” she knew Rex hated. Her hair was now lying straight down her shoulders and she noticed she looked younger. She smiled and brushed some hair from the front and clipped it back, leaving the rest flooding down over her shoulders. She applied some more lip-gloss before smiling and batting her lock black lashes. She took a deep breath and looked at herself one last time. Her hair was perfect, her make-up was perfect, her pink dress was perfect, and everything was the way it should be. All she needed was Rex.

Rex fixed his tie and pulled on his suit jacket. He put on the aftershave that Bree loved; he wanted to impress her. This dinner had to go right, he was finally going to try and talk to her. He heard a soft knock at the door and he smiled as he opened it. His breath got caught in his throat, as he looked Bree upside down. “Bree, you look amazing.” Bree blushed deeply and returned his smile. “You look handsome.” Rex wanted to pull her into his arms now and just forget about the dinner. But he remembered he wanted to talk to her. Tell her the things he’s wanted to say ever since he left her. He closed the door behind him and held out his hand. Bree smiled and linked their fingers, gazing at him. Rex couldn’t help but notice she was wearing the dress he loved, and the perfume he loved. In fact he loved everything about her. He looked at her hair and smiled, all he wanted to do was run his fingers through it. He could see the blush creeping into her cheeks and smiled.

Bree could feel her cheeks heating up. Rex hadn’t undressed her with his eyes in god knows how long. It used to make her weak at the knees every time she looked into his eyes. “Rex?” She couldn’t believe how girly and breathless her voice sounded. “Yeah honey?” Honey. He hadn’t said that in a long time either. “Where are you taking me?” “It’s a surprise.” Rex grinned at her and she felt like flying. She loved it when he surprised her. He opened the door for her and helped her in, and she rewarded him with a smile. They drove in silence, but were both smiling, their hands meeting in the middle, linking. Their eyes met and their heartbeats increased. Rex looked back at the road and tried to control himself. Bree grinned and teasingly crossed her legs, knowing it drives him crazy. She felt him drive faster and she smirked. She couldn’t believe she was teasing him like this. She always acted ladylike but today was different.

Rex’s eyes couldn’t be torn away from her legs. He was desperate for her touch, the feeling of his hands smoothing over her skin. He finally stopped the car and got out, rounding to open up Bree’s door and pull her out. “Rex where are we?” “Look around.” Bree looked around, puzzled, trying to figure out where she was. She soon gasped as she realized where she was. “Oh Rex, you brought me to Skyline Drive.” Rex smiled and held her close, leading her over to the very park he proposed to her in. “Yes. And look, they still have our swing.” Bree grinned and turned to face him. She leaned in and sealed his lips in a kiss, bursting with love, love only for him. Rex tightened his arms around her waist and smiled. He pulled her over into the park and helped her onto the swing, coming behind her and slowly pushing her. “Bree, I’m sorry.” “For what?” “Hurting you. I shouldn’t have humiliated you. The truth is…” He stopped pushing her and came round to face her. “I love you Bree. I love you so much. I can’t live without you, I miss you.” Bree was at a loss for words and pulled him forward, crushing their lips together. “I love you too. I’ve missed you so much.” He smiled and softly caressed her cheek, returning to push her. “Can you forgive me Bree?” “Of course I can. I just told you, I love you. I would do anything for you.” “I don’t deserve you Bree.” “Yes you do.”

Bree smiled as the breeze hit her face. She had never imagined Rex would do this. “Bree sweetie?” He kneels down in front of her, like he did 18 years ago. “Will you marry me…again?” he opened the jewellery box and revealed the heart shaped ring. “Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.” Rex took her hand and gently put on the ring, kissing her passionately, sweeping her up into his arms and carrying her over to the car. He eased her down onto the backseat and Bree grinned pulling him atop of her. She had never had sex with him in a long time and today she wasn’t about to refuse him. She had spent so long worrying about her family portrait but today she didn’t give a care in the world. The only thing she wanted was Rex. He started to kiss her, pushing his tongue up against her mouth, begging for entrance. She opened them for him and moaned into his mouth as their tongues rubbed together. His fingers magically removed her dress, and then unclasp her bra. He cupped one breast gently whilst kissing down her neck. He softly pinched her nipple and licked at her collarbone, causing Bree to whimper and wriggle.

Rex continued to suck her neck, driving her crazy. He knew they were both desperate for each other but he loved teasing her. Bree’s eyes fluttered shut as he started to suck on her nipple, her mouth parted, moans escaping it. “Oh Rex baby! I love it when you do that…” Rex smiled and felt Bree’s nails scrape his back, helplessly aroused out of her mind. He came up to face her, their eyes locking. “I love you Bree.” He slowly pushed himself inside of her and watched with a grin as she began to lose control, rapidly. “I love you too!” She panted breathlessly, opening her eyes and moaning as Rex hit the right spot, increasing the pace. “Rex! That’s perfect.” Rex grinned and knew he was pleasuring her; he lifted himself up and began to slam into her harder, his eyes never leaving her face, wanting to see how much he was pleasuring her. She screwed her eyes shut and screamed out in ecstasy. Rex came right after her, kissing her fiercely, holding her to keep her in place. They tried to regain control of their breathing, staring at one another, their breaths hitting off each other, their lips inches apart. “I love you Rex.” “I love you too Bree, so much.” She strokes his cheek and smiles. She soon feels a vibrating underneath her. “Rex, something’s vibrating.” He laughed and heard her phone beeping. He lifted her up and picked up her phone. “Here.” “Thanks sweetie.” She kissed him before answering the phone. “Hello.” “Hi, this is detective Hart, We have found someone breaking and entering your house. Rex kissed down her neck and Bree had to stifle a moan. “Yes, we’ll be home straight away.” She hung up the phone. “Rex, baby. Someone has broke into our house. Come on.” Rex straightened up and began frantically putting his clothes back on. They went back into the front and Rex hurried home. “Bree, I’m so glad I took you out, I don’t even want to think about what could have happened if you were in the house.” “It’s okay, I love you.” “I love you too.” He squeezed her hand and arrived back at their home. Bree fixed herself before chasing after Rex into the house.

“Excuse me. We got a call. Something about a break-in.” “One of your neighbors reported seeing someone forcing his way into your home. We sent some guys out to investigate, and, uh…” Bree looked at him in suspicion. “What is it?” “I got to tell you, ma'am, I thought I'd seen a lot on the job, but, uh, this is something else.” Rex and Bree share a glance and walk into their house, seeing the whole living room decorated in Christmas decorations. Bree saw Zach being pulled through the room and saw he was handcuffed. “Zach, why did you do this?” “I don’t know.” Soon Paul walks through the door and Bree flinches at his face. She feels Rex’s hand grip hers and he firmly pulls her back, stepping in front of her, to protect her. She smiles at him and presses herself against his back as his hands hold her. He signals to the officer to get them out of here and they get the hint, taking Zach and Paul away. Rex closed the door behind them and turned to find a smiling Bree. “What?”

“I love you, the way you tried to protect me, I really love you for it.” He smiles and pulls her close. “I did it because I love you.” They lean in and meet in a loving kiss. They spend an eternity kissing, Rex’s hands roaming over her body and Bree’s wrapped around his neck, holding him close. “Rex, come upstairs.” “You sure?” She pulls him away by the hands and kisses him deeply, “I’m sure.” He lifts her up from the ground and she giggles. “Bree, did I say in the last 5 minutes that I love you?” “Hmm I think so.” “Oh well would you mind if I told you again?” “Nope.” “Great, I love you Bree.” “I love you too.” She laughed and kissed him deeply. Her lips grazed his ear and she softly whispered, “Make love to me Rex Van De Kamp.”
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