Title: Once Again [Short Story]
Pairing: Onew / Key
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst, Romance
Summary: Are you sure you made the right decision?
Disclaimer: This is the sequel to
Forgive Me for Lying. I don’t own anything other than the ending - this one-shot - since the storyline is taken from the song itself. I wrote it just because I want to. Enjoy.
A/N: I hope you readers enjoy it. Comments and criticism welcome. I appreciate your help. This is solely based on Iklim - Bukan Aku Tak Cinta because I got addicted to that song. I couldn’t find translations to the song so I did them myself. You can check it out
Also, I made Jonghyun smart and not himself in this as I wanted to portray him according to the books he reads - I’m not sure if you understand what I mean…
I know my author’s note is getting a little long but I realised that my dialogues are starting to look like those in
mumuja darling’s fic so thank you for them! You’ve really influenced me and I mean in a good way!
Forgive Me for Lying (
I hate you, Lee Jinki! )