Pieces of You

Jan 20, 2007 03:48

Title: Pieces of You
Fandom: Desperate Housewives
Pairings: Bree/Lynette
Chapter: Part I
Rating: NC18
Warnings: Slash
Disclaimer: The lyrics belong to Ashley Simpson and the characters belong to ABC.
Summary: A fanfiction inspired by this wonderfully done collage of Bree/Lynette moments created by yerkiddingright. The story is meant to be read after you watch the video, so you can see how they weave in and out of each other. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g44F3OMBNmM)

Not surprisingly, Bree van deKamp was having another dinner party. She hosted these evenings to make herself feel less lonely; surrounding herself with friends and laughter made it easier to forget that her life was teetering dangerously on the brink of despair. Rex was never home anymore, Danielle was growing up far too quickly and Andrew avoided Bree whenever possible. In her own home, Bree felt ignored and detested - certainly not something a wife and mother hopes to feel from her husband and children.

Clueing into the conversation, Bree blinked as Lynette began talking about Tom and their love life; “Now, let me preface this with the fact that Tom is a fantastic in bed. But the other night, I’m not sure what was going on….” Lynette chuckled as she looked around the table at all her friends.

On a Monday, I am waiting
On a Tuesday, I am fading

Bree admired Lynette’s crisp white dress and three stringed set of pearls, vaguely wondering if the usually disheveled and jean wearing neighbour decided to dress so obviously conservative for her benefit. Quickly dismissing the idea as ridiculous, Bree focused on the conversation.

“He came in brandishing a Karma Sutra book with some pages bookmarked and when I relented and tried one of the poses… well it was just so ridiculously awkward! Not to mention he gave himself a Charlie Horse! ” Lynette shook her head while Gabrielle giggled across the table.

And by Wednesday, I can't sleep

“I mean, even our dear sexually repressed Bree would have been better in bed that night than Tom was!” Chortled Lynette.

Ever the gracious hostess, Bree stared at Lynette in utter disbelief at the words she had just uttered but said not a word. As the rest of the table began a discussion on men and their ridiculous requests and women who won’t honour them or who laugh about it behind their backs, Bree overanalyzed Lynette’s comment. Did it mean that Lynette thought about Bree in bed? Did she think about how Bree was, sexually, with Rex? Or did Lynette wonder what it would be like to have sex with Bree? No, certainly it couldn’t be the latter. Certainly not.

Then the phone rings, I hear you
And the darkness is a clear view

Later that night, with Rex gone back to work again, Bree retrieved her Bible from the bedside drawer where all good Christians kept The Book. Her wedding ring glinted in the moonlight as she pulled the Bible close to her and ran her fingers along its golden embossed cover. What were these feelings she had every time she looked at Lynette? Her faith had never wavered like this; even when Andrew had told her he was gay, she had known that even though he was her son and she loved him, he was wrong. It was sinful. And yet…

Cuz you've come to rescue me

Bree’s mind wandered to a couple days ago when she was sitting down at Lynette’s kitchen table, listening as Lynette confessed to having feelings for someone else. The guilt her blonde friend felt at this unfamiliar desire had forced her head into her hands.

Fall... With you, I fall so fast

“As long as you don’t act on these feelings, honey, they’re perfectly normal to have.” Bree remembered saying, comfortingly. “It’s okay to have a crush; it’s only a sin to pursue it into something more.”

I can hardly catch my breath, I hope it lasts

Flipping through the Bible, Bree found the passage she had read many times over since the day Andrew had revealed his sexual orientation to her;

If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination
Leviticus 30 Verse 13

Being a law abiding Christian, Bree van deKamp could only assume that lying with a woman as if she were a man meant the same thing in God’s eyes. Leviticus also went on to say thusly;

If a man commits adultery with the wife of his neighbor, both the adulterer and the adulteress shall be put to death.
Verse 10

The thoughts clouding Bree’s vision included abomination and adultery. The ring on her left hand stated that very clearly. She was torn between what she had been taught to believe was correct and what her very core was telling her was right.

It seems like I can finally rest my head on something real

Looking up from the Bible, Bree felt a certain determination - she would beat this. It was nothing more than an illness she would cure. In her mind, she felt stubborn and sure but her heart beat violently against her chest and with every thump her resolve was driven deeper and deeper into the abyss of her desire.

I like the way that feels

* * *

“So you’re telling me you don’t accept your son because he’s gay? But you can’t choose what turns you on Bree!” Lynette stared at the redhead with stunned amazement at what she was telling her.

“Lynette, please! It’s inappropriate!” Bree gripped Lynette’s window frame, the desperation on her face begging her neighbour to agree with her; to make her feel allied with someone she trusted.

“You know what’s inappropriate Bree? Inappropriate is being with someone who doesn’t please you sexually and knowing, with every fiber of your being, that there is someone else out there who would.”

I love how you can tell
All the pieces, pieces, pieces of me

It had been as if Lynette had been speaking, personally, to Bree. Every word drove home the obvious and painful fact that Bree wasn’t happy; wasn’t satisfied with living her life on the surface. She wanted more; she wanted excitement and passion; she wanted inappropriate. Damnit, she even wanted sinful! A look passed between the two women that was undeniable and yet, though Bree smiled shyly, she was still building that wall to keep Lynette out.

All the pieces, pieces, pieces of me

In bed, that night, Bree looked longingly at the empty side of the bed; she was lonely. Once again, Rex was working late though she had begun to seriously doubt his “work” involved filing papers and international phone calls so much as cheap motels and lipstick stains. The sigh that wretched from her felt soulful and needy.

* * *

I am moody, messy
I get restless, and it's senseless
How you never seem to care

“You felt something yesterday, didn’t you? I’m going to leave the kids with Mrs. McClusky and I’ll be right over.” Bree stood rigidly, barely moving as Lynette’s breath caressed her ear and she found herself wondering what the blonde’s tongue in that same spot would feel like. Pointedly, she ignored Lynette but it wasn’t until her friend moved away towards the babysitters that Bree realized she hadn’t been breathing.

When I'm angry, you listen

Standing there, trying to comprehend the implications of Lynette’s words, Bree remembered the night Edie’s house went up in flames and how, the next morning, Lynette’s comforting hand found its way upon Bree’s back. The feeling it evoked, even then, was hard to ignore no matter how much Bree wanted to do just that.

When you’re happy, it's a mission
And you wont stop 'til I'm there

Hurrying home, Bree changed into something a little more presentable and then, to take the obviousness off of her appearance, she pulled out the ironing. Lynette walked in the door moments later and leaned against a nearby chair.

“So… anymore Karmatic mishaps?” Bree tried to joke with Lynette to take the edge off; the tension between them was suffocating, a thick woolen blanket of emotions.

As cleverly as Bree was trying to cover up the awkwardness, Lynette cut straight to the chase; “No. I love *you* Bree.”

Not missing a beat in her ironing, Bree looked up with the polite smile she reserved for strangers and uncomfortable situations. “Oh. That’s nice.”

Lynette, somewhat surprised at herself for blurting out the truth so bluntly, rubbed her face with her hands. It was obvious she felt she might have made a mistake. Bree’s mind was spinning out of control; she felt her entire self spiraling towards an unrecognizable destination. Only moments before she had thought she could pretend everything was normal and now, it was so far beyond that. Words were climbing towards the surface but choking her before they could be spoken; in the silence, Lynette took her leave, not needing Bree to show her the door.

Fall... Sometimes I fall so fast

...To Be Continued...(of course) ;)

x-posted bree_lynetteflickacrossdesperate_fic
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