I keep getting frustrated that every time some state legalizes same-sex marriage, it's one of the fucking COLD states. North of the Sweet Tea Line. I'll probably go to my grave hoping to see this happen in Georgia, where I live, but come on. I remember joking with my last girlfriend that I really loved her but not enough to move to Vermont...
I need a sweater if it gets below 75 degrees. I seriously spend the entire winter (WINTER IN GEORGIA) bitching and whining about how cold it is. I'm a giant baby.
on behalf of all of us bad americans who weren't actually watching, i'd really like to thank you. seriously. i didn't realize they were going to take a vote today and only just clued in when my rl twitter account started exploding over the news a bit ago.
Even more interesting, despite all the "we'll let the religious folks discriminate freely" amendments, there is no residency requirement in this law so anyone (US, presumably) can go there and get hitched, go home, and demand their rights. This should be FUN.
Comments 7
I keep getting frustrated that every time some state legalizes same-sex marriage, it's one of the fucking COLD states. North of the Sweet Tea Line. I'll probably go to my grave hoping to see this happen in Georgia, where I live, but come on. I remember joking with my last girlfriend that I really loved her but not enough to move to Vermont...
But nevermind if you hate the cold!
what beautiful news :)
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