I solemnly swear (...I am up to no good..) to (finally) keep an LJ, for the following reasons:
- To keep a record of my own life so that C does not have to remember it for me.
- Because everyone has abandoned Open Diary.
- To keep in touch with GV, who never posts in our "joint" IJ.
- In preparation for the terrifying trip away to grad school and the need to keep peeps updated on my oh-so-fascinating life.
- To cease my bad lurker habits in fandom.
- To keep a record of online stuff due to the traumatic "all my bookmarks are gone!" incident.
- Because I think my ratio of words read: words written is probably ridiculously high and I would really like to learn to be more verbose.
- Because the Youtube videos have to go somewhere!
The reasons I will find keeping an LJ difficult are:
- I am lazy.
- I like reading way better than writing.
- My life is boring.
- I lack the internal motivation to write only for myself because my life is boring.
- I am a lurker for a goddamn reason.
- I do not have a pretty fancy layout like all my friends and this makes me sad.
Here's to (early) New Year's resolutions.
PS - LOL that LJ spellcheck does not recognize the word LJ. Or spellcheck.