May 06, 2011 16:15
Good things happening today:
1. SPN. The episode I remain excited about despite fandom's inexplicable anxiety. IT'S GOING TO BE FABULOUS.
2. Big Bang claims happened. I don't want to ruin any shred of anonymity I had since the claiming is still in progress, but let's just say I'm full of squee about who chose my summary and how. A most pleasant surprise indeed.
3. I'm making myself a very elaborate goat cheese salad for dinner. It will have spinach and tomato and roasted onions, carrots and baby potato. Plus goat cheese and some kind of vinagrette. I am making myself hungry just thinking about it, and I just put the veggies in the oven!
So, how's everyone else doing? Do you have 3 exciting things going on today to share?