Still around, I promise!

Mar 27, 2011 12:57

Hi guys! Long time no see! Actually, I've been lurking at your journals but not really commenting because I've been so busy. That's not too creepy for you, is it?


1. Anyway, still alive and still around. I went to Orlando mid-March, technically on business. I learned a lot and made new friends and networked and blah blah blah but mostly I WENT TO THE WIZARDING WORLD OF HARRY POTTER.

And it was crowded yeah, but it was also completely and totally magical. I really appreciated how hard they worked on making it look like Hogwarts and Hogsmeade. It's not a park for hardcore ride people; it's a park for people who love Harry Potter to wander around with a mug of butterbeer and stare into the beautiful shop windows. It's a park where you *want* the line for the epic ride to move slowly because the line is inside Hogwarts and there are statues and painting and cupboards full of gadgets and all of it is stunning.

There are all of these hilarious photos of me looking stunned and squeeful. My favourite is the one taken immediately after I spotted a (moving, of course) wanted poster for Sirius Black, sprinted across the park to it and basically hugged the thing. Sirius is my faaaaavourite (hence the username). The look on my face is just pure "Can you believe this is happening?!" bliss. The majority of the photos we took are of shop windows though, because OMG they were so beautiful. Perhaps I shall post some of them later, though if I include any of myself they'll be flocked, obvs.

Also, I went on an upside-down rollercoaster! I'm sort of ride-phobic and the last time I'd been on a rollercoaster would've been when I was a kid, so this was a big deal for me. "Bree," I said to myself as we climbed a mountain and wound our way through an abandoned part of the castle to get to the loading dock, "you will do this for your love of Harry Potter." And so I did, and it was fine while I was actually on the ride (if "fine" can be defined as screaming my fucking head off) but immediately felt super-sick once we stopped. However, there was something excellent about sitting in the owlery and drinking butterbeer to recover.

And I made an adorable little fangirl friend who loved my MWPP shirt and who told me with great pride that she was going to wear her Potter t-shirt to school even if the other kids made fun of her. I told her they're just jealous. Also, she had a pretty wicked time turner.

So yes, the place is a crowded, overpriced, consumerist tourist trap. It was also a completely meaningful experience for me. And that's what's rad about fandom, isn't it, the way we make our own meanings out of something that seems empty?


spn_cinema  draft due April 15 (Why did I choose Cloverfield, again?)
spn_j2_bigbang  draft due May 1 (So screwed on this one!)
ds_c6d_bigbang  (Due South/SPN crossover I'm writing with lookturtles ) due June 15
help_japan  fic for someone due sometime. ( Bids still open).

And then I freaked out yesterday and wrote my entire spn_cinema  fic in one day. Anyone interested in beta-ing?

1. This is gen S6 casefic with Sam, Dean and Cas. Seriously, no one even makes out.
2. It is vaguely action-y.
3. It is set in NYC. I have never been to NYC.
4. Nearly 7k. And did I mention no one even makes out? This is completely new territory for me.
5. Oh, and my claim was Cloverfield. But you totally don't need to have seen the movie for it to make sense. Hopefully.
6. Monsters. Blood. Fighting spider-crab things in dark subway tunnels. Heavenly weapons. Dean being afraid of heights.

“It’s funny. I always thought we’d die together. I’ve imagined it happening a thousand different ways. But never once did I consider giant lizard monster in the middle of New York City as a possibility.”

If this sounds like something you might beta, let me know! I will be especially grateful if you're familiar with NYC, since my lack of knowledge and inability to read maps means I do a lot of geographical hand-waving I'd like to tighten up.

That's it for now. Still packing and school-ing and grading. Also, nearly finished the first season of Fringe. Wow.

i solemnly swear i am up to no good, harry potter, fanfic is the greatest, supernatural is making me stupid

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