Three Things I Will Never Understand About Supernatural Fandom:
1. Why doesn't Creation sell t-shirts made for women's bodies at conventions?
2. Why isn't there more Sam/Dean/Cas around?
3. Why do people at
spnstoryfinders act as if Sam/Dean and Jared/Jensen are interchangeable?
Completely Made-Up Example:
"I'm looking for stories where the boys have to deal with homophobia" or "I'm looking for stories where one of the boys is evil and abuses the other" or "I'm looking for happy fic where the boys live happily ever after" followed by:
"The pairing doesn't matter. Sam/Dean or J2 is fine."
Dude. The pairing *does* matter. First of all, there's a key ship you're missing. Secondly, in all of the above cases, you will get COMPLETELY DIFFERENT STORIES dependent on pairing. Like, do you want a story about dealing with homophobia in show business and/or Texas, or do you want a story dealing with homophobia while fighting monsters...and the whole incest thing. I'm not saying that these won't both be good stories, but they're not interchangeable, and some of the phrasing implies they are. It's often not a "these are both interesting" thing, but a "these will push all the same buttons" thing and that just can't be true. They're completely different characters in completely different contexts.
I have no idea why this bugs me so much. I think I need a nap.
Edit: Or maybe, as
ducksgowank suggested today, I'm getting "too caught up in semantics" and everyone understands they're asking for two completely separate things, they're just writing sloppily. Getting caught up in semantics is always a possibility for me. ;)