There are three items on today's squee agenda! SPOILERS.
1. Supernatural 6.09 "Clap your Hands If You Believe..."
As tends to happen in cracky episodes, things felt a bit out of character, but it was worth the loss for the epic amounts of hilarity. Honestly, I think Dean getting his ass kicked by a pretty ball of light and then microwaving it to death may be my favourite scene in Supernatural history. I could not stop laughing. All of Dean's reactions were over the top all episode, but they were mostly awesome so I'm willing to let that slide.
Sam was also great. "Do you have bigger cups?" HAHAHAHAHA. Actually, I love everything about the scene with fairy-lady. Everything.
Additionally, I have so much love for Dean-as-Sam's-conscience I can't even tell you. It's like there was this empty part of my soul I didn't realize was there until Show filled it. And I think:
Sam: So you're saying suffering is a good thing?
Dean: I'm saying it's the only game in town.
Is actually a really great summary of the emotional dynamic of the entire show.
2. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1
I'm not even sure how to begin talking about this film. It was getting some lukewarm early reviews because it couldn't really stand alone as a film, because it was slow and full of exposition and it didn't have a beginning or an end. Those reviews are factually true, of course, but they also completely miss the entire point. Deathly Hallows Part 1 felt less like a film, and more like a long, heartfelt love letter to JK Rowling and her characters, to fandom, and to an entire generation of readers.
I went to the midnight showing, of course, dressed as young!Sirius. Truly, I think sitting on the hard floor for three hours eating pizza with the rest of the tired, sweaty, overexcited geeks is my favourite place in the whole world. My ass fell asleep, I was more than a little bored and anxious and there was no room to stretch my legs, but I've never fit anywhere better. As soon as we got to our seats more than a few people started crying; this movie means a heck of a lot to a lot of people, myself included.
I'm glad the film was slow. I'm glad it took it's time. I appreciated all the fades to black; to me it felt like a slow blink, like resting my eyes for a moment. My sister also mentioned that she remembers Book 7 the same way; in bits and pieces. That's sort of how I remember my entire Harry Potter experience so I thought the transition device worked very well.
The film was remarkably true to the book, which I appreciated. It manged to strike the perfect note of bittersweet humour that the first half of the novels does. I appreciate so much the addition of the Harry and Hermione tent-dance scene, which perfectly encapsulated the feeling of the Harry and Hermione camping scenes in Book 7. I'm also so grateful for the addition of Dobby to Kreacher's scene, since the original in the book made me wince (Sirius is his fault, damn him!). I understand why they cut what they did and generally approve; they managed to gesture at Remus' tension quite effectively without destroying my soul like the book did. This was a film about the children; the adults' arcs tended to to take a backseat and that's okay.
It was very well-acted. Rupert did an especially great job, and I love Daniel Radcliffe with all the pieces of my heart. The locations were gorgeous. there were some really brilliant shot choices and the lighting was stunning. Opening with Hermione's leaving home was a surprising, but poignant decision. Her coming of age is, in many ways, the most tragic. and how beautiful and creative was the Three Brothers animation?I love the reading of the "short" list of the missing names during the film's single montage (I can't believe they kept it to one; bravo!). Draco! The were careful with the ambiguity in the Malfoy Manor scene, and it came off good and sexy, just like I'd hoped. I'm so deeply excited for broom-riding next movie. Lucius is also fantastic and Helena Bonham Carter scared the fucking shit out of me. Also, i approve of all the heavy-handed politics. Go for it with the Nazi hats on the Ministry dudes and everything.
I CRIED SO HARD FOR DOBBY. I didn't cry during the book, not even for Remus. I think reading requires just enough focus that my brain blocks my emotions. Not so with film; I let that whole move wash over me, got totally absorbed, and was destroyed by Dobby's death. And I was most definitely not the only one. Sniffles everywhere!
I loved this movie so hard. And they credited JKR as a producer, so I give her full responsibility for its greatness.
Minor quibbles not almost even worth mentioning: I wish we knew more about who Grindelwald is and why his relationship with Dumbledore matters. And no white peacocks at Malfoy manor? I'm just assuming they didn't want two death so close together and Wormtail will bite it next movie.
3. The Backstreet Boys and New Kids on the Block on the AMAs.
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dress_myself_up and I have tickets to the "NKOTBSB" show in Toronto on June 8th. We were being pretty pissy about it before the AMAs last night because a) the Backstreet boys fanclub sucks harder than a Dementor, and ordering tickets from them is a trial and b) We don't really give a shit about the NKOTB. But we couldn't pass up a BSB show, any BSB show, and we figured it would be good to go together.
But you know what? That performance last night was pretty spectacular! It's been way too long since BSB got to do a full-scale TV performance. I love that they full-out danced. I loved the quasi-matching outfits. I love Nick Carter's vest and leather pants combo. I loved Ke$ha and the guy from Train singing along in the audience. I loved the audience freaking out when it was announced.
PS - Lance Bass did the preshow and he was all upset that someone else did the NKOTBSB red carpet interview because he wanted to. Lance Bass is cute. He should join the BSB. We need a fifth, and he's always welcome to come over from the dark side.
Boy bands are so great. I miss them. I think they should be on TV all the time. Last night, Twitter agreed with me. I like that it's cool to like boy bands for one shiny moment. I like Nick Carter's beautifulness. He is so beautiful. I wish to have a statue of him in my front yard to share his beauty with the world.
How awesome are these people?
Please note they put the hottest person in the middle. Also, his crossed combat boot feet are the most adorable thing I've ever seen.
This concludes our incoherent joy for the evening.