1. First thing's first!
I really loved this episode, which makes it three in a row. In fact, I really love season six. I have rethought my position on the season post-Sam reveal, and I am not quite fond of the whole thing (
except for 6.05's sexist bullshittery). Much of what pissed me off I now think was a function of the plot.
I realize lots of people are upset - and I understand why - but I just love me some super-complicated Sam & Dean. And i love people needing to learn to love each other. And I love ANGST. And I love:
"I was that other Sam for a long time. And it was, it was kind of harder. But there are also things about it I remember that I... Let's just say I think I should probably go back to being him."
I love the *completely intentional, I bet you* long pregnant pause and Dean closeup as Sam said it. Funnily enough, I read mostly Wincest but write mostly Dean/Cas, but this season has me so fascinated with Sam and Dean that I'm having trouble focusing on my other projects.
Other things that I loved about this episode (seriously, I watched it, and then I watched it again 20 mins later):
- bossy!Sam,
- beautiful lighting (Sam and Dean walking under the bridge, and Sam in the park with orange light behind him, in particular.
- Crowley! "Arrogant little thug" is my new favourite insult.
- The OMG CREEPINESS of the dog watching the woman shower. dress_myself_up and I were freaking the fuck out.
- The preview for next week. Every moment of it.
I must say, it feels good to be this optimistic again.
2. My day was really hard. For the past hour or so I've been having this weird work and stress and emotionally drained induced panic attack. So once I'm done here I'll be settling down to watch The Devil Wears Prada (my comfort movie) and drink egg nog and eat raspberries. Because I can't imagine anything more soothing.
3. The Artist Formerly Known As Boyfriend really thinks we're going to get back together. And mostly things have been kay because that means he's being very nice to me, so is an excellent roommate. You know what doesn't work, though? Having the same whining fits and harassing me in the way that broke us up in the first place, about wanting to get back together. Yes, I love him and yes, it sucks not being able to show it, but no, I will not even consider it until he's in regular psychological treatment. Gah.
4. HOMG MIDNIGHT SCREENING OF DEATHLY HALLOWS PT 1 ON THURSDAY. I got my hair cut for the occasion; I'm cosplaying as young Sirius. :)