So I may be over-identifying with a character a little.
So a certain comm I will not name has sort of overflowed with Samgirls in response to 5x16. And while I appreciate Sam!love, it's manifesting in this really weird anti-Dean clusterfuck because he has a bad attitude or something.
Seriously? SERIOUSLY?! Boy is entitled to as much emo as he wants! It's been clear for awhile - but is painfully so in 5.16 - that the only thing driving Dean through ridiculous amounts of shittiness for the past few years has been his love for Sam (and his ever-shrinking extended family). And Sam still hasn't learned to see or appreciate Dean at all. He's the same spoiled selfish brat that showed up occasionally in the first two seasons. I'm not against Sam wanting a normal life and some independence, I'm against him taking all his disappointment with him life - and fundamentally with himself - on Dean. Sam blames all his problems, all his character flaws, on his family and refuses to take responsibility for himself...ever.
What he needs to do is apologize, tell Dean he loves him and appreciates him, hug him, and then go fix some of the mess himself instead of just sitting around nagging Dean to do it for him. Dean's single-handedly carrying several huge responsibilities on his shoulders - including the future of the whole goddamn planet - but you know the one that matters most to Dean is Sam, is protecting Sam, is making sure that eventually, somehow, Sam is happy. Meanwhile Sam doesn't give a fuck about Dean - his happiest moments are him alone.
He's a brat, and Dean deserves better than to work so hard out of love and have it all go unappreciated and reciprocated.
In other news, my little sister, whom I've been living with and caring for while we're at school through epic amounts of fail on her part, has just revealed whole new levels of self-centered betrayal. And I have been killing myself for months trying to keep her on track - while she can't seem to even try. And she claimed all her problems would go away if only people leave her alone, that she could take care of herself if only she could be independent, that we should just trust her while she wasted our time and money. HA.
And I love her - I love her more than I love anyone else in my entire life. And I would trade my happiness for her's, I would die for her. if I thought it would help, I would keep suffering for her even though it kills me. And she barely notices - or if she does she has a funny way of showing it. Because she just has a different idea of family than I do.
So I get where Dean's coming from - understand maybe a little too well what he's feeling - and I think he's entitled to as much anger, sadness and grief as he needs. He still loves Sam - I still love the shit out of my sister and always will - but if they're going to have a healthy-ish relationship Sam is going to need to treat Dean better. Until Sam figures that out, Dean doesn't owe him anything.
In conclusion, Dean Winchester =
bree_black and we both need to sit and cry for awhile. We'll come around and we'll still catch our loved ones if they fall, but we're entitled to a bit of resentment.