So, fandom rant/complaint #2 of the day:

Mar 21, 2007 21:14

Thank you, AN50, for completely, radically, altering my view of the world. Really, thanks. First, I'm comparing whatsername in Clerks 2 (Dante's fiancee) to Australopithecus robustus, and now I'm catching mistakes in Bones. (I feel like I ought to do a secondary lj-cut to spare those who don't care about human evolution, but I don't think that's possible, so sorry!)

When archaeologists/anthropologists find ancient hominid/ape remains, the first thing they look at to differentiate between the two is the pelvis and legs. The skull, too, for fine-tuning, but the legs immediately define them. Humans walk upright: the femurs curve inward toward the knees from the hips, where apes (like chimpanzees) have completely straight legs. There is also a distinct difference in the pelvis: humans flare vertically, chimps flare laterally. When Brennan replaced the boy's illium with the chimpanzee illium, when the entire body was reassembled, quite honestly, it would've looked ridiculous. And she should've known this - I did, and I'm a first-year anthro student!

But that final scene was absolutely adorable. When she turned around to see Booth standing there, I was really hoping he'd put his arm around her shoulders and walk her back down the dock. And he did. And it was in such a friendly-yet-loving way that I have great hope that they'll soon be back to their old, Sully-free ways. (Speaking of which, is it wrong or juvenile of me to be glad he's gone? Especially after he tried to convince her to come with him by basically saying her life wasn't important enough? Maybe it's not important enough to you for you to make it your whole life, but she's more like Booth and you're more like Angela. It is her whole life, and maybe it's not ideal, but she can't give it up. And though I understand you're upset and bitter, it's not fair of you to make her feel bad about this decision. I don't like Sully.)

That's your anthropology lesson for the day, plus my unabashedly pro-Booth/Brennan opinions. :D

bones, anthropology

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