Guys, guys! Zoe from Firefly was in this episode! Hah! :P
I find it intriguing that just a handful of episodes ago, Brennan was telling Booth what a wonderful father he is. Now he's getting all defensive. Brennan's not taking back what she told him - she's saying that, all things considered, he's doing a wonderful job with limited resources, but richer families just have more opportunities. Of course Booth would interpret that as "you're not good enough," I'm just saying: he ought to know Brennan better than that by now.
But it's also fun to watch Brennan talk about how "parents are unnecessary after a certain age" - like, say, 15? You're full of crap, Brennan. Or rather, she's talking about survival in order to avoid talking about what Booth is talking about, which is emotional well-being. And Booth would've picked up on that had he not been so defensive.
The Flying Dermatologist would almost be a great name for a band, except that it's also kind of awful. Hehe.
Oh God, you know what's worse than the traditional "hurt my daughter and I kill you" speech? The "what's wrong with you, why aren't you sleeping with my daughter" speech. It's funny - I see that Max is back and I'm not intrigued at all, but then he shows up and makes scenes all sorts of fun and I can't help but like him. And how hilarious (and awkward) would it be to watch Booth (or Max, for that matter) tell Brennan about that conversation?
Question: now, I'm not complaining about the presence of Sweets, because God knows I love him, but why does he keep turning up randomly? I find it nigh impossible to believe that Brennan invited him to lunch with her father (or really, for that matter, that she invited her father). These diner encounters just perplex me.
Also, YES, BOOTH. And then when you achieve things, you know you did it all yourself. I'm not dissing private schools - they do give wonderful advantages and a great education, if you can afford them - but every time I feel stupid (which is fairly often, I'm afraid) or a failure at school, all I have to do is think about where I am and how I made it there. A great deal of it is thanks to my parents - my dad's brilliance and love of learning, and my mom's drive and hard-working nature, and the genes they both passed on to me along with those lessons - and I thank my parents for that often, but what got me to where I am is myself, and that gives me an unbelievable sense of satisfaction. I wasn't chosen for my school because of the quality of my high school, or letters from influential people, or even my skill in sports, but because I took full advantage of the few opportunities I did get. I know the hazards of a less-than-great school, and I've watched classmates die and get married and have children all before the age of 20, but with Booth's intelligence and drive, and the influence of the wonderful people Booth knows, the only person stopping Parker from greatness is himself. And I think he'll do fantastically. :D
Also, don't beat yourself up too badly, Booth - even if your son never grows up to be great, you've taught him to be good, and if he's half the man you are, that'll be someone worth being.
(P.S. - I thought we learned back in A Boy in a Tree that Brennan went to private school? Along with Zack and Hodgins, as I was sitting there alongside Booth, going, "Hey now, we did just fine too, thanks"?)
Also, did anyone else think that this was maybe-kinda-sorta a dangerous episode title? Guys, you don't need to make it easy to make "Hah, like this show blows!" puns. I mean, I don't think it does, but you just know that someone out there saw this title and made that pun.