
Oct 30, 2008 02:51

Ok. I'm not doing NaNoWriMo, mostly because I fail at plot/dialogue/etc, and partly because I haven't written anything worthwhile/finished in a long time. This was my last real one, in May (!), and before that, this, in NOVEMBER. God, I suck.

So, I'm doing NaBloPoMo, with a twist. I might post a real entry every day and I might not, but no matter what, THERE WILL BE FIC. 100-word drabbles, flash fic, whatever, for whatever fandom I can think of something for. It'll be great. Or something.

But the point of this post is to say it out loud, so I don't go back on it, and also to ask for prompts. If you've got anything, a fandom you'd like to see a lot of, a word or quote or song lyric you'd like to see interpreted over multiple fandoms, anything: leave a comment here. Thanks! You're wonderful, darlings. :D

fanfiction, prompts

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