That Thing You Do!

Feb 19, 2008 00:05

You know what’s frustrating? Searching for That Thing You Do! fanfic and realizing that won’t let you search for it because the words are too common (and Googling it is even LESS helpful because the phrase itself is so common). But it’s not popular enough to have its own section. So basically, I’m screwed (unless, flist, you help me out: I know at least 2 of you love this movie).

But anyway: this movie was my Valentine’s Day indulgence (even if it came on the 15th/16th because I was too busy on the actual day) - my Valentine’s Day indulgence is part of the reason I like the holiday even though I’m unfailingly single: I figure, the it’s a celebration of love, and I don’t have to be in love to celebrate it. So, since doing that movie meme (still one quote, by the way, so please try to get it? I’ll even give you a hint: it’s the sexiest movie I’ve ever seen. And I don't want to have to give Laurie (not_there_yet_4) credit for cheating, so, please? The fic request still stands, too, by the way :P), I’ve been craving this movie, as always happens whenever I think about it. So I watched it. And now, of course, follows the squeeing post, because this is such a squeeable movie. And if you haven’t seen it yet, do so IMMEDIATELY. You’ll fall in love with it, and you’ll never get the song out of your head. :D

Ok, they made Guy FAR too lovable. Seriously. Because you fall in love with him for all his intelligence and his cuteness and his sweetness and his humor and, of course, for the way he gets so very into the music when he’s playing, but he also has faults: he has annoying tendencies (like the Spartacus thing), he’s obsessive, and he’s a hero-worshipper, and he can be a little pigheaded and insensitive. Also, he’s kind of a crappy boyfriend (though it doesn’t help that he had a crappy girlfriend. Yeah, if she was expecting a real date then the talent show is kind of a letdown, but you know what? Shut up and cheer your boyfriend on!). So he’s all too human, and so you don’t think you’re being at all unreasonable in expecting real-life guys to be like that, not like, say, it’s unreasonable to expect guys to actually be like Booth or Jack Shepard or Mulder. Guy is real, and that is the downfall of every girl who sees this movie, because he will alter your standards. He’s just ridiculously adorable, and he’s a complete dork. They all are, and it’s fantastic.

I think that’s why I don’t really like Jimmy. It’s not that he’s an ass to Faye at the end, it’s that he takes it so seriously when the rest of them are such dorks about it all. Plus, I don’t find him that attractive: he’s pretty good-looking, I guess, but he’s just so dark and sullen while the others are just adorable. Oh, God, The Bass Player (hee!) is the cutest thing EVER. He’s just so quiet and understated: “Uh, guys? Chad fell down.” And watch his face during performances: he makes the greatest tongue-out-crossed-eyes face during Dance With Me Tonight (at about 1:19), and it made me squeal, because he’s just such a dork.

And you all know how I feel about dorks. :P

I think this is the only role so far in which I’ve actually loved Liv Tyler. Didn’t like her as Arwen (I think I was bitter about that - hated that they added that storyline), plus she looked old there. Here, she’s just lovely and sweet and fun, and they have a number of close-ups of her eyes, and I know she’s famous for her mouth, but I really prefer her eyes. She has truly, truly gorgeous eyes.

Also, guys, how awesome is it that this song was written by the guy from Fountains of Wayne (aka, the band behind "Stacy’s Mom", in case you live under many, many rocks)? I really love this song, and I nearly screamed when I heard my favorite student a capella group singing this last year: they just added it to their repertoire, and that makes me SO HAPPY.

It’s funny to think about this, but when I first saw this (around age 9-10), I thought it was kind of risqué. A little ridiculous, considering how now, I watch it and go, “That is the sweetest movie I’ve ever seen. I MUST OWN IT.” Seriously, most innocent movie ever made about the music industry.

My favorite scene in the movie is the scene where they first hear their song on the radio, and they’re all screaming and running around and jumping up and down and hugging each other. It’s just, Guy got thrown into this band at the last minute, and he changed the song without consulting them and that could’ve REALLY blown up in their faces, but instead it made them a hit, and they went from being casual acquaintances at the beginning to really being friends, all because of that one thing. And that one scene is just such the expression of pure joy. That’s why the ending hurts so much, not because they had potential or because they were so innocent and happy and yet still failed, but because they were friends and after the band breaks up, they probably don’t even really ever see each other anymore. Luckily, they all got their own happy endings (and Guy and Faye are adorable. They’ve got this great sweet camaraderie all through the movie, from the beginning when she says, “Enjoy your breakfast,” to that scene at the carnival where they’re making faces at each other, to all the times he takes care of her. They haven’t got screen-melting chemistry, or anything, but they clearly care about each other, and that’s almost better sometimes).

Love that movie. If you haven’t seen it, GO. NOW. You can’t help but love it. :D

(Also: I have a dreadful cold. And I was doing so well this year, too: no colds so far, and it's already February! But the air outside smells like spring, all wet and muddy and warm and happy, and I nearly laughed from pure joy when I walked outside the first time, so it's ok. I hope it stays like this.)

(Also also: see what no new shows does to me? I haven't written fic in SO LONG. It makes me sad. I need to fix that, somehow. But also, no new shows is good for me, because my Bones love is enduring even through the drought, so I know this is the kind of love that lasts. :D )


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