Yeah, that is SO not the weather in Washington, DC right now. It doesn't snow that much there anyway (an inch or two shuts down the city), and it is unseasonably warm right now. But that's not the point. :P
Thank you, Cam! "Santa is magic!" That's what I always say to that argument! The laws of physics do not apply! I mean, come on - the guy's got flying reindeer!
I love how stylish Booth and Brennan look crossing the street. All in black, her in knee-high boots and an adorable hat, him with his collar flipped up and sunglasses. They look gorgeous, frankly - I was really struck by that image.
And the landlord thinks they're insane. LOVE IT.
Caroline, you are awesome. This is possibly the most contrived plot device EVER, and honestly, I don't care. Plus, you pretty much pull it off, just because you're awesome and snarky and say "puckish" with SUCH a straight face. I really don't care. :D Plus, she's doing it for her father, when her father was the one who made her hate Christmas in the first place, which makes it really sweet.
Parker is the most adorable little kid EVER.
Oh my GOD, so awkward. Not quite how I thought it'd play out (nor, apparently, did Caroline - what is she, blind?), but that's ok. Also, far less dramatic than the promos made it seem, but what else was I expecting? SO AWKWARD. Haha. And the gum transfer made me laugh.
Hodgins and Angela are so cute. Just, adorable. Family. So sweet. And I love how the whole team gets together to celebrate before they all split off and go their separate ways. Angela and Hodgins to make decorations (aww), Cam and Zach to their respective families, and Brennan to hers instead of Peru (yay!). Also, Parker is cute: "Officer, I'm lost. My daddy works for the FBI - can you take me there?" Aww. And then Booth gets his Christmas with his son, and we also get that adorable scene with the Christmas tree. How did he know she was there instead of in Peru? There's no reason for it, not really - I guess he just knows her. He knows what she's going to do. :D
BEST EPISODE EVER. :D Those words, those exact words, came out of my mouth when they turned the lights on in Kris Kringle's apartmenet and that whole scene came to life. With the Santa theme, and all that Christmas spirit stuff (which is why Christmas is my favorite time of year. So lovely), and the love and friendship and family, this definitely ranks among my favorite episodes.
But you know what's funny? I just looked at my desktop background (
this, from
this post, and I love it), and I realized that NONE of those shots were actually in the episode. Variations, yes, but not those angles (and I'm particularly disappointed about the one all the way to the right - yes, you know which one). Huh.
I don't want to wait until January for new episodes. :( I'm pretty much running on this show right now, and that makes me really sad. I don't know what I'm going to do!
I find it interesting that Amber's last episode is also the biggest one for her. We saw a lot of her and learned a lot about her. I'm kind of sad. I think I'll miss her, not because I'm fond of her but because I'm used to having her there. I think the way all of them interact is extremely interesting. But she put far too much importance on the game. She's the girl in class whom everyone hates because she's always asking, "Is this going to be on the exam?" That's not the only important thing.
I like Kutner. And Taub, so I'm glad they're staying. Still don't like 13 (I wonder if she'll have a name now). I'm not sure if that's because she annoys me or because I don't like Olivia Wilde; maybe it's both. I was wondering if Cuddy would let House have a team consisting entirely of males - apparently not (which should have been obvious, from the fact that she recommended Kutner, whom she was trying to get fired last episode).
Oh well. Also: where's the clinic? I miss the clinic! They're my favorite part of the show. :P
ETA: So, the wallpaper that is my desktop and is linked above? If you look at that while listening to "Christmas Is All Around," from Love Actually (which, if you listen to the whole thing, is really a fantastic song), you will get all KINDS of warm fuzzies. I'm smiling so hard my eyes are tearing. :D