Gillian Anderson is too
adorable for words. Seriously. Though I like the red hair so much better than the blonde - she has such fantastic hair; why would she dye it? I've always loved red hair on women, though I'm not so crazy about it on men. (Incidentally, if you like the music, it's the band Balligomingo - I like it.)
Also, Psych is driving me crazy, what with this insane scheduling. It's on for like 6 weeks, and then it's off for five months. And then that repeats. Of course, it's the same with Monk. GAH USA. I love you, but you drive me crazy!
But Psych was adorable tonight. Juliet pulls off sorority girl surpisingly well - I really liked her this episode. And it's cute to see how Shawn can react to serious situations - he's not as much of an idiot as he acts. They're so cute. I love their subtle flirting (like how he calls her Jules), because then you can tell Shawn is actually being serious about it, not just playing along because it's fun. I mean, their chemistry is very light and superficial, even though I love it: they're no Mulder and Scully. Heh. On IMDb, "The X-Files" actually has "sexual tension" listed as a genre. And this is the ultimate reference to UST, which is actually why I started watching - "Bones", anyone? Ohh, Booth. That was dumb. I love you, but that was dumb.
Also, I am so glad to have found my friend Julie here. We have begun sharing a growing X-Files addiction, plus Bones and Psych. That's right. I've found someone in real life who actually watches Psych. And we literally spent at least a half-hour tonight just gushing and ranting and squealing (yes, squealing, at least on my part) about various shows. It's so nice to have that in real life - I'm used to people just kind of thinking I'm insane. Especially since I don't have a lot of other friends here. And I am convinced that fangirling must be a magic beauty enhancer, if only because you glow afterwards. It's such fun. :D