LJ Interests meme results
- blues:
I am "interested" in the blues because anything I write musically tends to have a blues feel. I like that. I think if I sang I would sing the blues. - contemplation:
I really enjoy contemplation, meditation is perhaps what I meant, to me they are the same. - fog:
mmm I love how fog makes everything more beautiful. I love how fog fills the valley of monroe and creates the illusion of a grand lake. - indonesian food:
I am not going to lie, I have only had it twice, but I did like it. - lavender:
no brainer right. the smell the taste the color. But I don't like the relative of lavender that grows all over campus and smells like wet dogs. - nag champa:
one of my favorite scents. I buy this stuff in bulk now days. - potatoes:
I could not live with out potatoes. You'd think my genes would despise them considering they uprooted my ancestors and sent them over here a hundred years ago. - shoes that click:
I think this stems from my childhood belief that I had inate tap dancing skills. - symbiosis:
I think it is facinating when two bizarre creatures interact with each other in strange ways. Mutualism, Comencealism (?), and Parasitism. Mutualism is like the shrimp and the gobbie who live together in the same den. The gobbie has big eyes but can't dig very well, the shrimp is a good digger but can't see well. the shrimp digs the den and the gobbie warns him of predators. they are friends. and I am done... - white cheese:
yum particularly hard white cheese but the soft stuff too. I am not very articulate when it comes to cheese. cheddar is boring, and I don't like all the coloring. but with everything else you are probably safe unless it has mold on it.
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