Chapter 1

Dec 26, 2011 16:23

Title: Get Out Now
Pairing: Jaemin/broken Yoomin/2U
Genre: Angst
Rating: R
Warning: First Fic ever so It might be lame. And no Beta.
Disclaimer: I wish I owned them!
Summary: Yoochun has turned distant for the past few weeks & Changmin is finally fed up with it. He tries to leave one night, ending up in the street. When Jaejoong finds him, Will he be able to repair him?

Chapter 1:

With his bags packed by the door, Changmin stood in the living room with the lights off just waiting for him to be home. He'd already put up with Yoochun for long enough. Just has he looked to see that it was three in the morning, he heard the lock on their apartment door turning. Looking up, he could see Yunho give Yoochun a kiss goodnight before leaving.

The pain he felt to actually seeing it was excruciating compared to when he just saw a text the other day on accident. Did he even care if I caught him? Was I really thought of that little by him? He finally turned the lights on and saw me standing there. He even had the nerve to smirk at me when he had just been caught kissing another man.

"I thought I said don't wait up," he said all calmly.
"And I thought we were suppose to be faithful to each other." Changmin retorted back spitefully.

"What are you gonna do about it? Leave me? Ha! I'd like to see you try. Come on. Try to walk out that door." He was smirking with a challenge in his eyes.

Before Changmin even got close to the door, Yoochun grabbed him by the arm and threw him further in the house. He let out a groan as his side connected with the edge of coffee table as he tumbled to the floor. "You are not going anywhere." he snarled and started to kick Changmin all over his body. 
Flashbacks started of his father walking all over him and his mother, beating on him whenever his mother did something that displeased his father in anyway. Then another of Yoochun, his neighbor and best friend, pulling him away from the life and making a promise that he'd never have to go through it again because he'd protect from everything and anything.

"What are you doing?" Yunho questioned as he came rushing over to Yoochun holding Yoochun's phone in his hand. He pushed Yoochun back enough that Changmin was able to stagger up and limp to the door. "Where'd that promise to never put your hands on me go? Huh? You of all people know how I am about that. So you know what? Fuck you!" he blubbered out as loud as he could get his voice to go before he walked to the elevator and left.

He looked straight ahead and walked when he got out of the building. He had no clue where he was going but it had to be far from where he was currently. Somehow he ended up in the park a good two miles from the apartment he shared with his ex-lover. He sat on a bench with his face covered in blood and body covered in briuses from head to toe, staring blankly as he thought back to all that had transpired between them tonight.

He had never seen Yoochun act so... Sadistic. He had been there through it all and saw him every day, black and blue from his father beatings. How could he? More importantly, why? After seeing him go through all that day in and day out, why would he be the one to cause him so much pain?

rating: r, genre: angst, livejournal, author: b, length: chaptered

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