Title: Imperfect
Author: breathless_dawn
Rating: G Characters: Olette
Word Count: 138
Disclaimer: I am no king, therefore I own no Kingdom.
A/N: Drabble written for the
kh_drabble challenge [211]: Apology. And speaking of apologies, I apologise for the formatting of this because LJ is stupid.
The station is full of stale air and bustling people, and trains that come and go with a soft whoosh. No one notices her, and she is sure she has melted into the worn out bricks, like her ice cream has melted into the concrete.
She closes her eyes, counts to ten, and hopes she can find whatever’s missing, because she doesn’t feel quite whole anymore.
But when she opens them, everything is the same as always.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers, but the words only hang in the air for a moment before falling emptily between the cracks of the sidewalk.
So Olette stands there in her sunshine-stained clothes, staring at the twilight sky, and wonders if things can stay broken forever.
Because forever, she realises with a heavy feeling in her chest, is a very long time.