1. Sheee-it. I want to animefest with Becca and that was alright. A scary homeless man harassed us on our way home to Penn. The local Borders was selling japanese candy. I wonder if it was because animefest was happening or because NYC'ers just happen to love some octopus shaped chocolatey-wafery goodness.
2. I had, like, an hour last week in which I was really hoping I might see Rob Zombie but a) srsly no one could go b) it's actually at midnight on a school night! Good planning!
3. Hebrew school sucks. All the girls there adore me which is flattering and problematic. (Problematic because I don't want to hang out with them unless it is directly benefiting me in some way and they have expressed interest in hanging out with me quite a bit.)
4. Someone made Volumes 7-10 of The Sandman scans available to me through the intertubes! :D! I'm in the middle of Volume 8 ATM. MARRY ME, NEIL GAIMAN<3
5. The Used in, like, a month! I have to figure out rides back home, but we miiiight have to pool for a taxi. Jackie still owes me $41 for the tickets and that is pretty hideous.
6. I need a srs bznz minimum of 9 more pieces for at the latest Decemberish. WHAT AM I GOING TO DO. I need at the very least 4 more by November 11th. That's more than do-able, I think. What I'm working on in class + last years impressionist painting + foreshortened pose hw (due thursday wtf) + something I started this summer/something else.
7. Some things were making me sad this passed/continuing week. I'll make a private post about that later because no one needs to know just how crazy I aaaam.
8. Mom's decided to have fits of caring about physical therapy for me. What's particularly annoying is how inconsistent she is. Ugh. Today she said that she will sign me up for a basketball team if I don't do the exercises on my own to which I retorted, "with what time?" I am after all, previously engaged against my will to the hebrew school. The termination of my attendance to said establishment is imminent due to the incompetent administrators and ineffective 'teaching' style. They maintain, however, that I will be studying with my father 4 days a week. They are what's know as mistaken.
9. "When one lacks ice cubes, substitute a strawberry."
"As the saying goes."
"Of course."