New to this shizznaz

May 14, 2005 20:41

Well im new to LJ...haha i thought id get one since its all the rage. Well today was fun I had practice with Ryan, Kyle, and Matt. It went well i feel like we really are gonna be a good band....with a lot of work i bet we could go somewhere. We are all talented enough but just need to be more motivated. We tried to get Brandon to come but matt had to leave way earlier than brandon got off so that was a no go...what a bummer...i hope next week we can have him show up and play bass. Our music would sound so much heavier than it does and would easily increase how good we sound. I visited valerie today at work....she is really pretty and has something about her i cant place my finger on...I really feel like i can be myself with her and she will accept me. Ryan is really cool i enjoy how we both can click at one moment but still retain our creative differences without compensating to get eachother to accept one another. Kyle is cool too hes easy to go to about all the drum tech and stuff like that hes quite smart in that area.Awwwww and quiet...but he seems almost to be the glue that holds our band together in a way. When i get tired of talkin to ryan and kyle, i can talk to matt i think. I tried to talk to him but hes very quiet and reserved. Oh boy but he is quite the guitarist! I have been feeling bad lately for my friend tatsuya....i feel like i dont give him the time he deserves. He is really a great friend and has always been there even tho i dont talk to him about that stuff. Hes been my friend now for 7 years...thats so crazy, and i can only think of one time that we have ever fought and it was more just because we were sick of eachother. Speaking of asians i wonder if valerie will call me tonight to chat it up or hang out. That would be pretty fun ill tell ya what. Well i have contributed my thoughts for today and i might write more later but as for now....bye
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