"Additional Assertions on Souls," by Jeff Gundy

Mar 04, 2010 02:18

Additional Assertions on Souls
Jeff Gundy

“Only moving does it have a soul.”
-Pablo Neruda, “Ode to Bicycles”

1) All stones, even those from the moon, must share a single soul.

2) Dragonflies each have the soul of another, and spend their lives chasing their own.

3) Barns have souls until the main timber breaks.

4) Birds have souls only when singing, flying, or at rest.

5) Butterflies are so light because they abandon their souls at birth.

6) Automobiles have souls made of grease and fire, just like us.

7) The heron’s soul is all bone and feathers, an excellent mother despite its lack of hands and breasts.

8) The tiger lily’s flower is tender and sweet on the tongue, and its soul likewise.

9) We believe the earth has a soul, but nobody has ever gotten its attention.

10) The many tiny souls of the grass were at perfect ease until Whitman began to ask questions.

11) The air is one wild soul looking blindly for the lost one.

12) And the water carries many souls but keeps none for itself.

From Hamilton Stone Review.
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