Urban Dictionary Challenge

Jun 30, 2010 22:21

Rules: Go to urbandictionary.com and type in your answers to the following questions. Post the first definition it gives you.

1. Your name: Bryce

a guy who is excellent in bed, and you are amazed of his capabilities
That guy last night was a bryce for sure

(I find it pretty funny that I'm an effing girl LOL)
2. Your age: 15

One of the worst ages of being a teenager. You are in the middle and you wind up with the most problems that age. You are too young to drive without an adult, cannot go to the prom, and get a part time job like real teenagers. Your head is up your ass and one day you are still a kid watching cartoons and another day you'll like to have sex. This is also the age when most teen problems occur such as anorexia and cutting.
Bob: I am 15... what a crappy age. Only a few months until I turn 16, I can't wait.

3. One of your friends: Dee

A smooth playa who keeps it real
It's time for you to stop getting played. It's time to Dee-Up.

4. What you should be doing: Going to bed

telling people during a party that you're going to sleep but rarely end up in a bed
guy 1: dude its 5am im going to bed
guy 2: bitch get off my counter
guy 1: sorry

5. Favorite color: Purple

Extremely potent marijuana, specifically marijuana buds that have a purple hue to them. Also accompanied by a fragant, usually fruity smell and mad perma-grin.
Yo, you gotta come over and smoke, boy! I got the purple!

6. Birthplace: Fulton

A guy who has sex with single mothers who have had lots of abortions.
Pete is a fulton, so he picks up girls while driving.

7. Month of your birth: November

The month in which the most babies are born. And which, by chance, is exactly nine months after February.
Example should include the word "November". I don't have an example.

for: random meme, life: me

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