First Kiss [random oneshot] PG-13?

Jun 07, 2010 21:46

Just something I wrote a couple of months ago... felt like posting it....

I stand on the concrete sidewalk of my high school, the breeze blowing my one-sided bangs into my eyes annoyingly. I swipe at them with my hand and hold the strands of hair behind my ear, my dark-hazel eyes searching the large parking lot.
It’s your face I’m searching for. I’ve no idea what your car looks like, though I’m pretty sure you mentioned it being a convertible. My heart beats so rapidly I’m afraid it will pop out of my chest; God I’m so nervous. This will be the first time we meet.

My parents say this is an extremely stupid idea; or at least they would, if they knew about you. Only my closest friends know about you; only they know that I’m gay at all. If my parents knew, they would say the same thing D’Anne said when she found out: that I had no proof whether you are who you say you are. I guess this is true, she has the right to be worried, since the only time I’ve ever seen your face, your body, has been in still shots on my computer screen.

Incredibly stupid? Maybe. It’s probably pathetic, too; I mean, two females, living across the country from each other, meet online and fall in love within a day. It’s probably a setup for disaster. Scratch that. It’s most likely a setup for disaster. I guess, from anyone else’s standpoint, that it’s sort of suspicious, also. We’d been talking for hours, conversation flowing freely, and I’d known that I was falling so hard, so fast for you. But you were the first to say it. You said that you might be falling for me. Could that count as a sign that you were just another cyber-predator? It probably could, but I just knew that you’re who you say you are. That you’re real.

That was three, almost four, months ago, and we’re still with each other. We’ve had our fights, sure, but we love each other.

Yet another car pulls into the lot, but my eyes stick to this one. A silver convertible. Very new, I can tell. This wasn’t someone’s big sister coming to pick them up. This was someone with money in the family. Someone like you.

The car’s not close enough yet, but I can tell the driver is female. Long brown hair, slightly darker than caramel. Tanned skin, but by sun, not race. A complete standout from the culture in this part of Georgia, like me. The car pulls into an empty space, and the driver’s head turns to look through the crowd of students leaving the school. As soon as her eyes meet mine, our bottom lips go between our teeth. It’s you. I know it.

You step out of the car and I quickly glance both ways before crossing the drive, walking between the cars. As excited as I am, I don’t walk too fast. I don’t want you to think of me as an eager freshman. You’re nineteen; you could leave me in a heartbeat and have anyone you wanted. I walk just fast enough to let you know how glad I am you’re here, that you transferred from Northwestern to UGA, just to be closer to me.

As I get closer, I notice both of our mouths form smiles as we take in the sight of each other’s bodies, our features. You’re exquisite. Perfection personified. For months now I’ve known that I was extremely lucky to have you, but in this moment, there’s no doubt in my mind that I don’t ever want to leave your side.

And now I’m there, right in front of you. I drop my messenger bag from my shoulder onto the asphalt, my purse following it. “Bree?” you say tentatively, as if to make sure I’m really there. I nod, and my grin widens. I sigh your name, and your hand raises up to behind my neck, fingers entwining in my long hair. I stare down into your gray eyes--though I’m younger, I’m a few inches taller--and see the love there, the longing.

“You’re really here,” I say, and bring one hand up to your cheek, the other on your waist. My right thumb slides across the exposed skin on your stomach, my left strokes your smooth cheek, touching the corner of your mouth. My eyes glance from your eyes to your lips and back, and I notice you do the same. I start to lean towards you, but you glance around us.

“You want to do this here?” you ask. I raise my eyebrows and smile at you.

“It’s the last day of school; I won’t get into any trouble. Think of it as my officially coming out to the school.” You still look uncertain, and shake your head slightly.

“Just wait until we get to my apartment and--”

“Mica I’ve waited too damn long for this day, for this moment. If you don’t kiss me right now I’ll explode.”

You grin from ear to ear and jump on me, your arms wrapping around my neck, and mine around your waist as your feet lift off the ground. Our lips meld together in a heated, loving, long-awaited kiss.

I sigh contentedly into your mouth, thinking of how glad I am that I get to share my very first kiss with the woman I love.

life: me, rant, life: relationships, femslash

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